Friday, November 13, 2015

Things You Both Need to Know

There are so many things that I want Stella and Ricky to know for when they get older. This world that we live in can be a crazy place and it's not always an easy or nice one. 

Save money, even when you're young because you will need it someday. Learn how to budget. Remember you work very hard for your money and you deserve to know where each little bit goes. 

Don't be the bully. But, please stand up to those who are a bully. Don't ever be the one to start a fight, but if some jerk clocks you, you have my permission to defend yourself. 

Have a sense of humor. It makes the good times even better and it is great medicine for the healing process. 

Get to know the dishwasher, oven, washing machine, vacuum and mop rather well. Use them. 

Your knowledge is yours to keep and no one can take it from you. 

Take pride in your appearance. Stella beauty is what you feel about yourself from within, not what you see looking back at you in the mirror. Always remember that. And Ricky, even though you are a boy, caring about the way you look will never make you any less of a man. 

Be a leader. Others will follow. Don't get sucked into peer pressure, it can be a beast. And remember it's okay to not fit in; don't try to be someone you're not just to fit in. Be true to yourself. 

Be a loyal friend. And choose your friends wisely.  It's a long life to live alone. 

Find what YOU love and own it. 

We all make mistakes. Learn and grow from them. They won't define who you are.

Be strong, but be sensitive at the same time. 

Playing a sport can teach you how to win and loose graciously.

Don't be afraid to admit that you were wrong. Apologizing to others is easier than living with regret.

Choose your spouse wisely. Make sure you love them. Life is a long time to live with someone you don't like.

Ricky, treat women kindly. Flowers for no reason, opening the door for her, walking her to her door all still go along way. 

I will always value both of your opinions and I'll always listen.

You may not like my rules or me at times for that matter, but they always like you. They are rules for a reason.

I love you both.

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