Monday, November 2, 2015

Halloween Weekend

My Little Red Riding Hood

The weather couldn't have been better for Halloween. Stella didn't need to wear layer upon layer under her costume. I was so happy with the way it turned out. And I also loved the fact that it fell on a Saturday this year so Rick didn't have work the next morning. Since it fell on a Saturday, we ended up going to some friends house to go trick or treating which was a great time. Stella had the 'trick or treat' down pat before even going out. After the first house....she could of went all night! She kept saying "I get more candy!" And when Rick or I dumped her candy in the stroller to lighten her load...let's just say she wasn't happy about it.

Stella was Little Red Riding Hood and Rick was the big bad wolf. Stella was NOT a fan of the wolf nose and didn't even want to stand next to Rick to take a picture.  I chose not to dress Ricky up since I wasn't sure if he was going to hang in the wrap or stroller during trick or treating. We'll have some fun with him next year ;)

I am also happy to report Stella didn't have one accident Halloween night! 

With all that was going on this weekend, our furnace took a crap. Thank goodness for the wood stove- we have been using it as our main source of heat until our furnace gets fixed- fingers crossed the part comes in today or tomorrow. I am happy that this happened now though and not during 20 degree weather. So as we kept the house nice and toasty for the kids, we hung home yesterday and Stella helped Rick do some yard work- as Rick blew the leaves into a pile, Stella would go take a huge handful and walk them back to the tree where Rick blew them out from. :) However, once the pile got big enough she had some fun jumping into the pile- disappearing completely! Once she saw Rick raking and shoveling the pile into the tractor cart, she joined in asking for her own shovel. At one point she told Rick "Look Daddy I show you!" while taking his shovel out of his hand. Little miss Sass. 

And onto the next Holiday! Thanksgiving...yummy!

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