Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Decking the Halls

I feel like we have been busy over here but not sure why :) We are so excited for Thanksgiving. Good food, family, friends, booze, all of the above! I am thankful for all of those things. I feel very thankful for my two babies that I have to celebrate the holidays with. They make my heart feel so full.

 I braved the 'thought to be small crowd' yesterday at the grocery store at 9:00 a.m. Boy, was I wrong. The store was a mad house! I had Ricky in the wrap and he was snoozing thank goodness and Stella was chowing down on a pink frosted donut. ya gotta do what ya gotta do. We were about 15 minutes into our food shopping trip and Stella tells me she has to go peepee on the potty! what?! now!? are you effing kidding me?! So I asked where the bathrooms were- yup, all the way on the opposite end of the store! We sped to the bathroom, of course I buried my diaper bag under the groceries, dug out my bag, took Stella out of the cart and reminded her a million times not to touch a thing! I placed about 7 layers of toilet paper on the seat, lifted Stella up...waited...waited...waited. "All done Mommy- no peepee." False alarm! are you effing kidding me again?! after all this you better go pee kid! I was sweating bullets by this point because Ricky is a heat box and I still had like my entire list to get. oh diaper, how i miss you sometimes!

Not to skip over Thanksgiving or anything but we have started decking the halls over here! Stella is loving it. We set up the village, hung the wreath which she in awe with, hung the stockings all while we had 'Chrimas" music playing loudly. There were definitely a few twirls and dips while decorating. Rick is going to put up with lights outside this upcoming weekend. I am so excited to see Stella's reaction to those! Our drive through town this year to look at all the lights will be so fulfilling and joyful. I also have finally started shopping. I am having a blast finding things for Stella this year. Dress up stuff, fake food for her kitchen, and Minnie Mouse everything are all on the list!

I have come to the realization that Elf on the Shelf is a big commitment. Well for me it is. I am definitely going to start with full intentions of setting up a new scenario each night. But, really who am I kidding? When I plant my ass on the couch after both kiddies are sleeping, not sure I am going to get up to play with our Elf. I am going to try my best- but full disclosure it may be a mommy fail!

Lastly...two short clips of the littles :) 

Happy Thanksgiving 2015!

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