Monday, November 16, 2015

Enjoying This Time of Year

I can't believe that there are only 6 weeks until Christmas. Not that I am forgetting about the turkey legs and pumpkin pie but there is so much to do in the new few weeks. We have really been making the best of this weather. This is craziness...60s in November?! I'll take it. This weekend we made it a point to clear off the back deck for the Winter. We put away our cushions, pillows, umbrella, and all of Stella's toys until next year. To say Stella is not a fan of change is an understatement. Every time we put something away, like Rick put my chair cushions and pillows in a black bag and in the shed Stella goes "Oh no, Mommy's pillows!" Then it was "Oh no, Mommy's umbrella!" We kept reiterating that we were just putting it away because it is getting cold outside. And, remember that blow up Minnie that we ran for about 365 days straight? Well, she finally kicked the can. Rick secretly stuck her into the trash can. Stella is not going to let this one go- this calls for a special trip to the store for a new one. it's like replacing that damn goldfish that died. We also did more leaf cleanup. Well, not we, I mean Rick did leaf clean up while Stella played in the leaves and I watched and snapped a few photos with Ricky sleeping in the wrap.

We are totally in holiday spirits over here. It comes and goes way too fast to not start enjoying it now. Every ride in the truck must have Mickey 'chrimas' as Stella calls it playing on the radio. Singing Christmas songs along with Mickey and the gang is just the beginning. We are already rockin' our Christmas jammies, and watching Elf- best movie ever! 

This time of year also calls for cozy socks, warm sweaters, steaming hot bowls of soup while sitting in front of the burning wood stove. I already began my holiday list for the kiddies and other family. With the holiday catalogs rolling in like hot cakes I have started to jot down some ideas. Stella is going to be so much fun to shop for this year. tutus, minnie mouse, a vanity, and a solly baby wrap for her baby...oh my!! I was so excited when I saw that the Land of Nod makes a solly baby wrap for kids. It is the same exact one that I carry Ricky around in, but much smaller. She is going to love it!

We can't forget that it is red cup season! First gingerbread Latte down the hatch :) my hatch, not Stella's. She likes to pretend it is coffee with water in the cup once I am done. 

 It's also pomegranate season. Stella and I eat these by the bowl.

Lastly, on my to get immediately list  is Blue Moon's Gingerbread Ale! Cheers to this time of year!
And because no post is complete with out a picture of pure baby goodness, here he is... my little man at 14 weeks.  

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