Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Ricky's 3 Month Update

Dear Ricky,
The giggles that we have been hearing lately are music to our ears. They are the best sounds ever! Every time you giggle I feel it is your way of telling me that you love me. You have added so much love to our family and are truly our miracle. You are the sweetest and I am soaking up every single cuddle that you give me these days because I know they won't last forever. And those dimples....yummy. I can't even tell you how much your sister loves you...she tells me a million times a day "Mommy I love Ricky" and I always respond "Stella, Ricky loves you too honey."  The way that you study Stella and smile at her the minute she sings or talks to you makes my heart melt. I am thankful every single day that I get to be your Mommy. You are pure baby goodness. Love you munchkin to the moon and back. 
All my Love.

Weight: We have a nurse visit on Nov 17th, so we will find out your weight then. I am guessing somewhere around 14 lbs. 
Height: We will find our Nov. 17th.
Head Circumference:  We will also find out Nov 17th.

Appetite:  You are still the eater and spitter upper! If you are hungry, you definitely let it be known. You are eating about 4-6 ounces every 3-4 hours. Your times to eat are beginning to stretch out a little bit more except at night!!. Sometimes you give me a hard time taking the bottle- we think it's because you want the boob..because you take it from Daddy no problem. 
Clothing Size: You are currently wearing 3-6 month clothing and we made the change to size 2 diapers.
Milestones: The smiles and giggles are the absolute best! It's officially the first sign of communication.
Thoughts: I couldn't imagine my life without you sweet boy. You are a dream come true. 

Our routine:   Lately you have been waking up around 6:30ish(with smiles!!) and I feed you(around 7:00) while Stella is still asleep and we are still in bed. After you are done eating Stella is usually waking up for the day as well. We head out to the living room so you can play on your play mat and stretch a bit. You play until about 8ish and then take your first nap in your swing while Mommy plays with Stella and we eat breakfast You eat around 10ish and if it is bath day you take your morning bath after this feeding. Your next nap is around 11:00. With play and sleep inbetween your feedings are around 1:00, 4:00, and 7:30p.m. I then settle you down for bed. The past few nights you have been giving me a run for my money during bed time. Boy do you know how to fight sleep. I give you a dreamfeed around 10:00/10:30p.m before I go to bed. I wake you up in our dark bedroom to feed you and change your diaper and put you right back down.  You then wake to eat twice at night around 1:00 a.m and 4:00 a.m.
Any big changes: Just that you are growing and making sounds now! You also bat at your toys and sometimes get lucky to hook your hand on one of the rings! 

Your favorites: Some of your favorites at the moments are:
1. eating
2. you still love being carried in my the sollybaby wrap. 
3. sleeping except for bedtime!!
4. Your play kick mat; you especially love looking at yourself in the mirror on the mat. All smiles!
5. Watching the fan go round and round.
6. When Stella or Mommy sings to you, especially The Wheels on the Bus. The smiles and giggles are priceless!

And yes the hair lives on...

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