Sunday, November 29, 2015

Thanksgiving Weekend

Thanksgiving weekend came and went so fast. It really was a nice long weekend- it was full of family, friends, food and booze :) now that sounds like a kickass combo! 

Wednesday the kids and I spent some of the afternoon at the doctors office. I tell ya, they have impeccable timing- both woke up Wednesday morning, the day before Thanksgiving, with a cold. Ricky's first cold...big bummer! Stella also had been complaining about an ouchy ouch on her big toe which was looking a bit red and swollen. Something inside told me to call the doctor to get some information on an ingrown toenail since I don't know too much about them. It went from a quick nurse call to find out about how to treat an ingrown nail, to sharing the kiddies cold symptoms with the nurse, to the doctor wanting to see them both for toes, runny noses and coughs! So I packed them up and to the doctors we went. After cutting the toenail and a weeks worth of antibiotics for the little miss the toenail will be just fine...and as for the colds, they will just have to run their shitty paths.

Thursday we spent Thanksgiving at my parents. I kind of let the family matching outfits go since both were feeling a bit crappy- Ricky spent Thanksgiving in his pj's.  I would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit jealous of the jammies after I filled my tum ;) Food was great, seeing family is ever better and playing pie face just topped it all off. I think everyone got whip cream in their face atleast once- even Stella :) What a trooper she was.

Friday was just one of those days! A day where it was 5 o'clock somewhere way before 5:00. Ricky was extra clingy because he wasn't feeling the best, Stella decided to take off her shit diaper during her nap time and have a painting party make a mess of it-everywhere! Yup- that could be a whole other blog post in itself. When I finally sat down to take a sip of my much needed bottle of Blue Moon, Stella jammed her fake garlic in my mouth "here Mommy, try this!" and spilled my beer all over me! The kind of day I was having I was pretty damn close to lapping it up off my clothes. if I actually did that- you'll never know ;) And for the record- both kids were in bed by 6:45 that night! Hallelujah- thank you Jesus!

What's better than one thanksgiving?...two! Saturday we spent the day at Rick's parents for another Thanksgiving celebration. More yummyness, more family and more cocktails...perfecto! Stella fed the horses more than once and chased Sookie (the kitty) around the house.

Sunday was a jammie day. We didn't leave the house and did a whole lotta nuttin'. Rick and I did put up Christmas lights while they both napped and I got a pretty good amount of Christmas shopping done online today!! Ricky's cough is at it's peak right now and it makes me so sad to see him so irritable and cry because of the shitty cough and all he wants is to be held. And Stella's stuffy and runny nose... it's like a never ending water faucet. Mucus is the devil!  We will hopefully be on the mend this week, so piles of clean jammies are washed and indoor activitiesbaking is on the agenda.

It is 'officially' time to begin celebrating Christmas; even though we started way before turkey day. This really is the best time of year!

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