Thursday, November 5, 2015

9 Truths and a Lie

I mainly write about the kiddies...but thought I would write a little bit about myself today. So here it goes...9 truths about me and 1 lie.

1. I am one of those moms that looks forward to nap time. Don't get me wrong, I love the time I spend with the kids and all of the fun things that we do together (these are the days) but some days I find myself counting down the minutes until the house is quiet and dim. Most days I end up getting house shit done, but some days like this one I just need a moment to come up for air. 

2. 6 of the 7 days a week my hair is thrown up in a bun. 

3. My most favorite shirt out of all my clothes was once my husbands and is from 1985 that he inherited from someone else. It is the most comfortable t-shirt and has more holes in it then I have fingers to count. I am not sure how many more trips through the wash machine it can stand- the fibers of the shirt are almost gone. I have worn it through all my pregnancies and am still baffled at how it is not stretched out. Towards the end of all my pregnancies when my belly was rather large, one of the holes matched up to where my belly button was perfectly. Always thought that was funny. 

4. I try not to complain or whine and I know I am so very fortunate for what I have here at home- two happy, loved dearly, healthy kids. Kids are hard work. Compared to Stella, Ricky is not an easy baby. But damn do I love him to death. It truly is amazing how one life changing event can change one's perspectives on many things. Ricky is healthy, and he is here with me. So yes, he is a hard baby-I am going to say it and he may cry a lot but I try my damnest in those inconsolable moments to embrace him and coddle him as much as I can. 

5. Marrying my husband and becoming a Mommy are the two best decisions that I have made in my life. 

6. I can honestly say that I don't miss being a teacher. this stay at home mommy gig is way better!

7. I will probably never fit into some of my pre-baby jeans ever again and I am okay with that. I know my body has changed in more than one way, but growing my tiny humans in it, is worth every bit of my new body. 

8. I am a morning person. I am not one to lay in bed once I am awake. I like to get out of bed, throw on cozy clothes and head right for the coffee machine. 

9. I have a tiny guardian angel that watches over me and my family every single day. 9/19/2014

10. My treadmill is unfolded and not shoved in a corner. You know, because of all this extra time that I have...LIE!! I have not been back on the treadmill since my little man was born. I guess I am going to use the poor excuse that I just can't find the time. Not sure when, but I will get my ass back on it eventually. 

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