Sunday, November 29, 2015

Thanksgiving Weekend

Thanksgiving weekend came and went so fast. It really was a nice long weekend- it was full of family, friends, food and booze :) now that sounds like a kickass combo! 

Wednesday the kids and I spent some of the afternoon at the doctors office. I tell ya, they have impeccable timing- both woke up Wednesday morning, the day before Thanksgiving, with a cold. Ricky's first cold...big bummer! Stella also had been complaining about an ouchy ouch on her big toe which was looking a bit red and swollen. Something inside told me to call the doctor to get some information on an ingrown toenail since I don't know too much about them. It went from a quick nurse call to find out about how to treat an ingrown nail, to sharing the kiddies cold symptoms with the nurse, to the doctor wanting to see them both for toes, runny noses and coughs! So I packed them up and to the doctors we went. After cutting the toenail and a weeks worth of antibiotics for the little miss the toenail will be just fine...and as for the colds, they will just have to run their shitty paths.

Thursday we spent Thanksgiving at my parents. I kind of let the family matching outfits go since both were feeling a bit crappy- Ricky spent Thanksgiving in his pj's.  I would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit jealous of the jammies after I filled my tum ;) Food was great, seeing family is ever better and playing pie face just topped it all off. I think everyone got whip cream in their face atleast once- even Stella :) What a trooper she was.

Friday was just one of those days! A day where it was 5 o'clock somewhere way before 5:00. Ricky was extra clingy because he wasn't feeling the best, Stella decided to take off her shit diaper during her nap time and have a painting party make a mess of it-everywhere! Yup- that could be a whole other blog post in itself. When I finally sat down to take a sip of my much needed bottle of Blue Moon, Stella jammed her fake garlic in my mouth "here Mommy, try this!" and spilled my beer all over me! The kind of day I was having I was pretty damn close to lapping it up off my clothes. if I actually did that- you'll never know ;) And for the record- both kids were in bed by 6:45 that night! Hallelujah- thank you Jesus!

What's better than one thanksgiving?...two! Saturday we spent the day at Rick's parents for another Thanksgiving celebration. More yummyness, more family and more cocktails...perfecto! Stella fed the horses more than once and chased Sookie (the kitty) around the house.

Sunday was a jammie day. We didn't leave the house and did a whole lotta nuttin'. Rick and I did put up Christmas lights while they both napped and I got a pretty good amount of Christmas shopping done online today!! Ricky's cough is at it's peak right now and it makes me so sad to see him so irritable and cry because of the shitty cough and all he wants is to be held. And Stella's stuffy and runny nose... it's like a never ending water faucet. Mucus is the devil!  We will hopefully be on the mend this week, so piles of clean jammies are washed and indoor activitiesbaking is on the agenda.

It is 'officially' time to begin celebrating Christmas; even though we started way before turkey day. This really is the best time of year!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Saturday Morning Flashcards

I will be writing a post about our Thanksgiving Day weekend very soon but for now a short clip of Stella working with a small set of flashcards on this Saturday morning...

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Decking the Halls

I feel like we have been busy over here but not sure why :) We are so excited for Thanksgiving. Good food, family, friends, booze, all of the above! I am thankful for all of those things. I feel very thankful for my two babies that I have to celebrate the holidays with. They make my heart feel so full.

 I braved the 'thought to be small crowd' yesterday at the grocery store at 9:00 a.m. Boy, was I wrong. The store was a mad house! I had Ricky in the wrap and he was snoozing thank goodness and Stella was chowing down on a pink frosted donut. ya gotta do what ya gotta do. We were about 15 minutes into our food shopping trip and Stella tells me she has to go peepee on the potty! what?! now!? are you effing kidding me?! So I asked where the bathrooms were- yup, all the way on the opposite end of the store! We sped to the bathroom, of course I buried my diaper bag under the groceries, dug out my bag, took Stella out of the cart and reminded her a million times not to touch a thing! I placed about 7 layers of toilet paper on the seat, lifted Stella up...waited...waited...waited. "All done Mommy- no peepee." False alarm! are you effing kidding me again?! after all this you better go pee kid! I was sweating bullets by this point because Ricky is a heat box and I still had like my entire list to get. oh diaper, how i miss you sometimes!

Not to skip over Thanksgiving or anything but we have started decking the halls over here! Stella is loving it. We set up the village, hung the wreath which she in awe with, hung the stockings all while we had 'Chrimas" music playing loudly. There were definitely a few twirls and dips while decorating. Rick is going to put up with lights outside this upcoming weekend. I am so excited to see Stella's reaction to those! Our drive through town this year to look at all the lights will be so fulfilling and joyful. I also have finally started shopping. I am having a blast finding things for Stella this year. Dress up stuff, fake food for her kitchen, and Minnie Mouse everything are all on the list!

I have come to the realization that Elf on the Shelf is a big commitment. Well for me it is. I am definitely going to start with full intentions of setting up a new scenario each night. But, really who am I kidding? When I plant my ass on the couch after both kiddies are sleeping, not sure I am going to get up to play with our Elf. I am going to try my best- but full disclosure it may be a mommy fail!

Lastly...two short clips of the littles :) 

Happy Thanksgiving 2015!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Cheers to it Being Friday and 60 Degrees in November

making// this weeks dinners included steaks on the barbie with grilled veggies, white chicken chili (probably won't be making that recipe again- it was okay just not a favorite), cherry tomato penne with homemade bread, and grilled herb marinated chicken. We also made another apple pie this week. 
drinking//  Blue Moon Chai Spiced Ale for the win! On the hunt for the gingerbread ale :) I am also loving the gingerbread coffeemate in my morning coffee...thank goodness my coffeemate flavors are dairy free! 

reading// old blog posts from when Stella was Ricky's age-amazing how much you forget in such a small amount of time. 
wanting// this baby to sleep later than 6/6:30 one day...just one day! Momma just wants one day to sleep in- even if it's just a few extra minutes ;)
watching// Friday Night Lights on Netflix....that's Rick and I's jam right now. 
listening// to Mickey 'Crimas'   and holiday tunes in the kitchen. Also loving all of the new sounds Ricky is beginning to make. I love when they begin to hear their own voice :)
eating//  pomegranates are back in season- woop woop! 
smelling//  my pumpkin spice lactation cookies baking away, as well as my buttercream icing candle burning in the kitchen.
enjoying// these temps for mid November! and these sweet smiles...

loving// the matching Santa beard sweatshirts that I got from babygap for the kids :) and these oh so yummy chubby me some baby rolls.

hoping//  to begin my Christmas shopping soon. First thing to purchase is a real solly babywrap for Stella so we can stop using Ricky's blankie. She loves to carry around her baby like I carry Ricky. 

wearing//  cozy socks :) and 'Crimas' jammies :) and bought a few new button ups because they make the best shirts for nursing. 

bookmarking// ideas for holiday cards- I always get so overwhelmed by all of the choices...way too many! 

and looking forward to// stuffing my face with turkey and decking the halls. On today's agenda: the fireplace mantle. It's never too early... ;)

Monday, November 16, 2015

Enjoying This Time of Year

I can't believe that there are only 6 weeks until Christmas. Not that I am forgetting about the turkey legs and pumpkin pie but there is so much to do in the new few weeks. We have really been making the best of this weather. This is craziness...60s in November?! I'll take it. This weekend we made it a point to clear off the back deck for the Winter. We put away our cushions, pillows, umbrella, and all of Stella's toys until next year. To say Stella is not a fan of change is an understatement. Every time we put something away, like Rick put my chair cushions and pillows in a black bag and in the shed Stella goes "Oh no, Mommy's pillows!" Then it was "Oh no, Mommy's umbrella!" We kept reiterating that we were just putting it away because it is getting cold outside. And, remember that blow up Minnie that we ran for about 365 days straight? Well, she finally kicked the can. Rick secretly stuck her into the trash can. Stella is not going to let this one go- this calls for a special trip to the store for a new one. it's like replacing that damn goldfish that died. We also did more leaf cleanup. Well, not we, I mean Rick did leaf clean up while Stella played in the leaves and I watched and snapped a few photos with Ricky sleeping in the wrap.

We are totally in holiday spirits over here. It comes and goes way too fast to not start enjoying it now. Every ride in the truck must have Mickey 'chrimas' as Stella calls it playing on the radio. Singing Christmas songs along with Mickey and the gang is just the beginning. We are already rockin' our Christmas jammies, and watching Elf- best movie ever! 

This time of year also calls for cozy socks, warm sweaters, steaming hot bowls of soup while sitting in front of the burning wood stove. I already began my holiday list for the kiddies and other family. With the holiday catalogs rolling in like hot cakes I have started to jot down some ideas. Stella is going to be so much fun to shop for this year. tutus, minnie mouse, a vanity, and a solly baby wrap for her baby...oh my!! I was so excited when I saw that the Land of Nod makes a solly baby wrap for kids. It is the same exact one that I carry Ricky around in, but much smaller. She is going to love it!

We can't forget that it is red cup season! First gingerbread Latte down the hatch :) my hatch, not Stella's. She likes to pretend it is coffee with water in the cup once I am done. 

 It's also pomegranate season. Stella and I eat these by the bowl.

Lastly, on my to get immediately list  is Blue Moon's Gingerbread Ale! Cheers to this time of year!
And because no post is complete with out a picture of pure baby goodness, here he is... my little man at 14 weeks.  

Friday, November 13, 2015

Things You Both Need to Know

There are so many things that I want Stella and Ricky to know for when they get older. This world that we live in can be a crazy place and it's not always an easy or nice one. 

Save money, even when you're young because you will need it someday. Learn how to budget. Remember you work very hard for your money and you deserve to know where each little bit goes. 

Don't be the bully. But, please stand up to those who are a bully. Don't ever be the one to start a fight, but if some jerk clocks you, you have my permission to defend yourself. 

Have a sense of humor. It makes the good times even better and it is great medicine for the healing process. 

Get to know the dishwasher, oven, washing machine, vacuum and mop rather well. Use them. 

Your knowledge is yours to keep and no one can take it from you. 

Take pride in your appearance. Stella beauty is what you feel about yourself from within, not what you see looking back at you in the mirror. Always remember that. And Ricky, even though you are a boy, caring about the way you look will never make you any less of a man. 

Be a leader. Others will follow. Don't get sucked into peer pressure, it can be a beast. And remember it's okay to not fit in; don't try to be someone you're not just to fit in. Be true to yourself. 

Be a loyal friend. And choose your friends wisely.  It's a long life to live alone. 

Find what YOU love and own it. 

We all make mistakes. Learn and grow from them. They won't define who you are.

Be strong, but be sensitive at the same time. 

Playing a sport can teach you how to win and loose graciously.

Don't be afraid to admit that you were wrong. Apologizing to others is easier than living with regret.

Choose your spouse wisely. Make sure you love them. Life is a long time to live with someone you don't like.

Ricky, treat women kindly. Flowers for no reason, opening the door for her, walking her to her door all still go along way. 

I will always value both of your opinions and I'll always listen.

You may not like my rules or me at times for that matter, but they always like you. They are rules for a reason.

I love you both.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Ricky's Birth Story

I remember driving home from the store with Stella one afternoon. My phone rang and it was a number that I was unfamiliar with. It was the surgical coordinator wanting to schedule my cesarean section. It also happened to be May 28th, the same date that I found out we were expecting Mabel. Just a coincidence? I like to think of it as a sign from her helping me get through that shitty day and helping me get one step closer to meeting our little miracle. From that day on we were scheduled to meet him on August 3rd at 5:30 p.m; unless he chose to make an early arrival.

August 3rd came. It was a Monday. I woke up early that morning- nerves obviously. It still felt so surreal that in just hours we would be driving to the hospital that evening to deliver our baby boy. Yes I was excited to meet him but I was also extremely anxious to leave Stella. I had never been away from her for this length of time; or overnight at all for that matter. I know she was going to be in good hands but I was so sad and already missed her- and we hadn't even left yet. Since we weren't scheduled to check in until 3 we had the whole day to spend with her.

2:30 rolled around and Stella was already down for her nap. Rick packed up the car, clicked a few pictures and off we went. 3 hours until we were going to get to meet our baby. That car ride...I was a bag of emotions; I think my eyes welled up the entire drive there. I missed Stella like crazy, I was so sad that I was not going to be there when she woke up from her nap, I was nervous as hell for the surgery and just prayed everything would go perfect, I was praying for our baby to arrive and be healthy, I was hoping for a quick recovery. Seriously, the list was endless.

We arrived at the hospital and checked in. We were taken to our room where we sat and waited. Time began to pass and we hadn't done any paperwork or preparation yet. Finally over an hour later we began to get the ball rolling. I had put that glorious hospital gown on and filled out the paperwork- basically if they cut an organ they weren't responsible. 5:00 had rolled around, and my doctor had popped in to see that I wasn't near ready to be rolled down. The nurses began to hustle and bustle. That next hour was a complete blur. I had several nurses each doing something different just trying to get us down to the OR as soon as possible since the doctor was ready. The one nurse who was placing in the IV tried to find a vein in my hand. Well, the IV blew and holy shit was that painful. I had never experienced that before. After 2 tries, she finally got the IV in my forearm which was way more comfortable than my hand or wrist. Rick was given scrubs and instructions. Even having done this before, it still felt like a crazy roller coaster ride. Before we knew it, it was time. In just minutes we would be meeting our baby boy for the first time. I took off my wedding rings and my Mabel necklace. I told Rick how important it was for my necklace to be in the OR room with me so he held my jewelry in his pocket. We kissed and I was rolled out.

As I was rolled down to the OR the tears starting flowing. I think it was a mix of excitement that we finally were going to get to meet our little guy and feeling nervous for everything to go perfectly and for him be healthy. My doctor was really great and talked to me the entire time until Rick got into the OR. She knew what this day meant to me. Before Rick arrived, they sat me up on the OR table and gave me the spinal. I remember having a hard time relaxing for them to insert the medication. They laid me down, and lightly strapped down my arms. They actually began working down there before I heard them say 'call the husband'. As Rick walked in, I was so happy to see him. Things were going well. The anesthesiologist told Rick the head was about to come out and asked if he wanted to take a peek over the curtain. Rick took a 'quick' look and sat right back down.  I looked over at Rick and he was as white as his scrubs. I could tell right away he wasn't feeling good. He asked the anesthesiologist if he could go sit down on the floor in the corner. I knew this wasn't good.

The rest all happened in minutes...

The anesthesiologist and nurses were all helping get sugar into Rick as I was having a baby pushed out of my belly. I heard the doctor say "ok here he comes get the blankets ready..." The nurses came back to the table and prepared for the baby. I looked over at Rick and saw his eyes begin to shut as he was sliding down along the wall. I began crying his name out loud and asked them to get him because he was going to fall! My husband passed out in the OR. What felt like seconds, they helped him and before I knew it I heard that cry...that cry every mom waits to hear. Richard Lykes III was born at 6:24 p.m. And I heard my doctor say to me that he was a big baby like we had thought. They held him over the curtain for me too see him- this is where I ugly cried. I can't even explain what I was feeling that very moment. I was relieved that he was finally here, feeling blessed that he was healthy, and couldn't believe that I had a son. He was ours. They did all his measurements, wrapped him up and brought him over to me. I was in love- so deeply in love with this sweet boy. I stared at him, while I cried, and kissed his new sweet face. Little Ricky weighed in at 8 lbs 3 ounces, 22 inches long.

As they stitched me up I remember feeling intense pressure to the point I wasn't able to breathe. I looked at Rick, with tears pouring down my face telling him I couldn't breathe. They took him to the nursery, and Rick went with him as I laid on the bed and continued to get stitched up. I told him I would see him in the recovery room.

While laying in the recovery room I waited for Rick and little Ricky to come. I remember asking my doctor if the baby could join me in the recovery room because I didn't get to have that time with Stella since she was whisked away to the NICU for close watching since she needed help with her first breath. She told me it would be no problem. Rick and Ricky finally arrived and I was so happy to see them. I was in awe when they handed me our baby. I could of just stared at him forever in that very moment. I was over the moon happy to have this skin to skin time and to try nursing with him. He latched right away and began nursing. What a proud mommy moment. After some time Ricky had to have his vitals checked again and was going to have his first bath. Rick followed him to the nursery and watched him get bathed. It felt like a lifetime before I was able to head back to our room and have more time with Rick and our new baby.

I was so excited for Stella to meet her little brother the next morning. All I wanted was to hug her tight and kiss her face and tell her how much I missed her. Ricky continued to nurse like a champ the rest of that night. He ate about every 2 hours and latched like a pro. 

Morning came and I wanted to do my best to get up out of that bed and begin walking around to begin the healing process. I even more wanted to take a shower. The nurse helped me take a quick shower and it felt so good to put some of my own clothing on. I counted down the minutes until Stella would arrive. I thought it was so important to have the first meeting between Stella and her new baby be just us four. As she walked in, I teared up in excitement. One look and she was just in love as Rick and I were. After this first meeting, it was just a count down until we could all get home and just be a family. 

I asked my doctor to go home after two nights and he looked at me like I was crazy. That is how bad I wanted to get home. 

This recovery was much easier than my surgery with Stella. I made sure to get up out of bed as soon as I could and begin walking around. Each day when Stella came to visit we would walked laps around the maternity floor. The gas pains and my sore ass pain from laying in that damn bed were way worse than the incision pain. 

Stella's Nana (my mom) stayed with her at our house the first two nights and brought Stella to the hospital that afternoon where Rick took her home and stayed with her at home the third night. Watching Rick and Stella leave to go home without Ricky and I made me so sad. I cried as I heard them walk down the hallway. I knew the next morning when they came, they would be coming to get Ricky and I and we would be getting discharged and leaving all together. Sleep didn't happen for me that night. Between a crying baby and being away from my two loves- sleep was out of the question. 

It was finally discharge day and the nurses could tell I was anxious to get the hell out of the hospital and helped to move the process along quickly. We were discharged August 6th and went home all together. 

Best feeling in the world.

Our lives once again changed on August 3rd. A day that will go down in the books as one of the best days yet. 

 Welcome to this world Richard Harry Lykes III.
Our miracle was born on August 3rd, 2015.
Weighing 8 lbs. 3 oz, 22 inches long.

We love you more than words can ever write and you are the perfect addition to our family. 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

9 Truths and a Lie

I mainly write about the kiddies...but thought I would write a little bit about myself today. So here it goes...9 truths about me and 1 lie.

1. I am one of those moms that looks forward to nap time. Don't get me wrong, I love the time I spend with the kids and all of the fun things that we do together (these are the days) but some days I find myself counting down the minutes until the house is quiet and dim. Most days I end up getting house shit done, but some days like this one I just need a moment to come up for air. 

2. 6 of the 7 days a week my hair is thrown up in a bun. 

3. My most favorite shirt out of all my clothes was once my husbands and is from 1985 that he inherited from someone else. It is the most comfortable t-shirt and has more holes in it then I have fingers to count. I am not sure how many more trips through the wash machine it can stand- the fibers of the shirt are almost gone. I have worn it through all my pregnancies and am still baffled at how it is not stretched out. Towards the end of all my pregnancies when my belly was rather large, one of the holes matched up to where my belly button was perfectly. Always thought that was funny. 

4. I try not to complain or whine and I know I am so very fortunate for what I have here at home- two happy, loved dearly, healthy kids. Kids are hard work. Compared to Stella, Ricky is not an easy baby. But damn do I love him to death. It truly is amazing how one life changing event can change one's perspectives on many things. Ricky is healthy, and he is here with me. So yes, he is a hard baby-I am going to say it and he may cry a lot but I try my damnest in those inconsolable moments to embrace him and coddle him as much as I can. 

5. Marrying my husband and becoming a Mommy are the two best decisions that I have made in my life. 

6. I can honestly say that I don't miss being a teacher. this stay at home mommy gig is way better!

7. I will probably never fit into some of my pre-baby jeans ever again and I am okay with that. I know my body has changed in more than one way, but growing my tiny humans in it, is worth every bit of my new body. 

8. I am a morning person. I am not one to lay in bed once I am awake. I like to get out of bed, throw on cozy clothes and head right for the coffee machine. 

9. I have a tiny guardian angel that watches over me and my family every single day. 9/19/2014

10. My treadmill is unfolded and not shoved in a corner. You know, because of all this extra time that I have...LIE!! I have not been back on the treadmill since my little man was born. I guess I am going to use the poor excuse that I just can't find the time. Not sure when, but I will get my ass back on it eventually. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Ricky's 3 Month Update

Dear Ricky,
The giggles that we have been hearing lately are music to our ears. They are the best sounds ever! Every time you giggle I feel it is your way of telling me that you love me. You have added so much love to our family and are truly our miracle. You are the sweetest and I am soaking up every single cuddle that you give me these days because I know they won't last forever. And those dimples....yummy. I can't even tell you how much your sister loves you...she tells me a million times a day "Mommy I love Ricky" and I always respond "Stella, Ricky loves you too honey."  The way that you study Stella and smile at her the minute she sings or talks to you makes my heart melt. I am thankful every single day that I get to be your Mommy. You are pure baby goodness. Love you munchkin to the moon and back. 
All my Love.

Weight: We have a nurse visit on Nov 17th, so we will find out your weight then. I am guessing somewhere around 14 lbs. 
Height: We will find our Nov. 17th.
Head Circumference:  We will also find out Nov 17th.

Appetite:  You are still the eater and spitter upper! If you are hungry, you definitely let it be known. You are eating about 4-6 ounces every 3-4 hours. Your times to eat are beginning to stretch out a little bit more except at night!!. Sometimes you give me a hard time taking the bottle- we think it's because you want the boob..because you take it from Daddy no problem. 
Clothing Size: You are currently wearing 3-6 month clothing and we made the change to size 2 diapers.
Milestones: The smiles and giggles are the absolute best! It's officially the first sign of communication.
Thoughts: I couldn't imagine my life without you sweet boy. You are a dream come true. 

Our routine:   Lately you have been waking up around 6:30ish(with smiles!!) and I feed you(around 7:00) while Stella is still asleep and we are still in bed. After you are done eating Stella is usually waking up for the day as well. We head out to the living room so you can play on your play mat and stretch a bit. You play until about 8ish and then take your first nap in your swing while Mommy plays with Stella and we eat breakfast You eat around 10ish and if it is bath day you take your morning bath after this feeding. Your next nap is around 11:00. With play and sleep inbetween your feedings are around 1:00, 4:00, and 7:30p.m. I then settle you down for bed. The past few nights you have been giving me a run for my money during bed time. Boy do you know how to fight sleep. I give you a dreamfeed around 10:00/10:30p.m before I go to bed. I wake you up in our dark bedroom to feed you and change your diaper and put you right back down.  You then wake to eat twice at night around 1:00 a.m and 4:00 a.m.
Any big changes: Just that you are growing and making sounds now! You also bat at your toys and sometimes get lucky to hook your hand on one of the rings! 

Your favorites: Some of your favorites at the moments are:
1. eating
2. you still love being carried in my the sollybaby wrap. 
3. sleeping except for bedtime!!
4. Your play kick mat; you especially love looking at yourself in the mirror on the mat. All smiles!
5. Watching the fan go round and round.
6. When Stella or Mommy sings to you, especially The Wheels on the Bus. The smiles and giggles are priceless!

And yes the hair lives on...