Wednesday, September 30, 2015

24 Facts for 24 Months// 2 Year Old Stats

1. Weighs 23.5 pounds. In the 11th percentile for weight. 
2. Is 33 inches tall.
3. Loves to sing songs.
4. Still loves Minnie Mouse and Mickey Mouse. 
5. Didn't shed a tear when she got her 2 year old vaccinations. Say what?! No tears!
6.Favorite foods at the moment are grapes, green pepper and hummus, chips and salsa, raisins-especially yogurt covered ones, coconut milk ice cream sandy's and Annie's homegrown organic bunny shaped mac n' cheese. 
7. Is wearing 2T clothing.
8. Shoe size is between a 5 and 6 depending on the shoe...that's what happens when you have wide chubby feet ;)
9. Always asks to go for walks on the towpath. 
10. All the toys in the world playroom, and she'd rather play in a bowl of flour. 

11. Rocks at being a big sister.
12. Loves to have her nails painted.
13. Has an incredible memory. 
14. Can probably work the ipad better than Rick and I.
15. Loves to play in her sandbox.
16. Not a fan of dogs at the moment...even her own.
17. Love when she can do things on her own..."look Mommy, I did self!"
18. Loves to bake, mainly mix with me. 
19. Loves to sit on Rick's lap and drive the truck in the back yard and driveway. smiles ear to ear!
20. Has the craziest bedhead in the mornings and after naps. 
21. Says 'excuse me' if she toots. 
22. Can run really fast and can jump high in the sky ;)
23. Loves her kitty cat shirt.

24. Loves her baby brother to the moon and back.

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