Thursday, September 24, 2015

It Was a Great Day :)

Stella's birthday went a little something like this...

Put on a pink party hat,

opened Stella's bedroom door singing Happy Birthday,

Stella's priceless expression when finding the crazy amount of balloons outside her room,
the late night we spent blowing up balloons and hanging streamers was worth every minute of it.

Minnie Mouse waffles for breakfast,

went for a walk on the towpath,

Stopped at the market for ingredients to make pink because that was the color she requested cupcakes,

an umpteenth amounts of texts and calls throughout the day for the birthday girl,

naptime- I made Stella's cupcakes,

Rick woke Stella up from her nap to surprise her with a bouquet of flowers,

Stella opened her gift from Rick, Ricky and I,

Gammy and Pop stopped over to give Stella her presents and we grilled up a few burgers,

We all put on party hats and sang Happy Birthday to Stella, Ricky was not too happy about having his party hat on...

Stella blew out her candles and dug into her cupcakes (or two) :)

After some more playtime, we put on her jammies and I walked Stella up to bed and kissed the birthday girl goodnight. 

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