Friday, September 4, 2015

Cheers to it Being Friday!

making// not just any waffles but Minnie Mouse waffles! This weeks dinner menu was spicy sriracha shrimp and broccoli, build your own taco bar :), steaks on the barbie with grilled veggies, and garlic rosemary grilled chicken breast with grilled green beans!
drinking//  pumpkin beer, pumpkin beer and pumpkin beer...haha. In moderation of course since I am supplying the boobie juice!
reading//  a few old blog posts about Stella's routines as a tiny little babe. Crazy how much you forget in such a short amount of time. 
watching//  Getting ready to watch some good ole' football! Loving these game day shirts! Also loving the fact that all three of us could match on game day! 
eating//  Trying to appreciate the Sorbet since ice cream is out of the question- it's simply just not cutting it! When I scoop Stella her ice cream for her treat after dinner I would be lying if I said that I wasn't drooling a bit. 

smelling//  lactation cookies baking in the oven ;)
enjoying// all of the newborn smiles coming my in love. 

loving//  early morning snuggles in Mommy and Daddy's bed with the babes. And Ricky's hair!!!

hoping// The Fall weather treats us right and that Stella's party is everything I am hoping it to be.
wearing//  still summer clothes! and nursing tanks all damn day, everyday! They really do make life soo much easier! Kudos to whoever came up with the idea! 
bookmarking//  lots of ideas for Stella's big girl is finally in the works! Doing a little new decorating around her parts of this house :) We want to make it a BIG deal- make her feel special and like a BIG girl with her new BIG girl bed!
and looking forward to// Some good town action tomorrow including food vendors, craft vendors and fireworks and hopefully gettin' our apple picking on this weekend!

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