Friday, September 18, 2015

Stella's Big Girl Bed

Stella is officially in a big girl bed! It as much easier than I was anticipated. I honestly wasn't exactly sure what to expect but maybe something along the lines of getting out of her bed to play at night, lots of rolling out onto the floor, crying at the door...

Once again she amazes me.

The other night after her new BIG GIRL sheets were washed, Rick and I decided it was the night! After we cleaned up our dinner mess we headed upstairs- with the entire tribe. Rick had the idea that if she helped turn her crib into her big girl bed, it may make the transition a bit easier since her crib was her safe zone and we were kind of taking it away. 

We spent a good deal of time in her room that night so she would feel comfortable and new what to expect when it was time to walk up to bed. We turned her crib into a toddler bed, put on her new swan sheets, hung some new BIG GIRL things on her walls to add a splash of color to bring out the sheets. She was so excited about her pillow. The rest of the night all she talked about was her big girl bed. We were so happy to see such excitement from her. 

After her milk cap for the night, her exact words "I go night night in my big girl bed!" We both walked her upstairs, she climbed right into her bed and kissed us goodnight. The rest of the night was like every other night. There have been two nights that I have woken up to feed Ricky for his 
2 a.mish feeding and saw Stella in the monitor- in the praying position.  She didn't totally fall out but rolled her legs out. So she was kneeling on the floor, with her head rested on the bed sleeping. Both nights I was able to creep in and put her whole body back in her bed :)

A few new items hanging in Stella's big girl room.... rock! xoxo

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