Monday, September 21, 2015

Walks on the Towpath

We are loving these cool mornings! Hello September almost October! This is my favorite time of the year for so many reasons! Pumpkin everything, the fall colors and scents, apple picking, pumpkin picking, and colorful mums, football Sundays and there is nothing like a warm bowl of soup on a cool night! I am ready to welcome back Soup Sundays again very soon. Did I say that I love these cool mornings too?! We have been taking morning walks on the towpath and Stella loves them. When she wakes up in the morning, somewhere in our morning conversation she asks to go for a walk on the towpath and then she says to me "i see the bikes and I side( which means I get to the side)...or squish me like a pancake!"  We have shared some awesome times on the towpath with Ricky so far. Sometimes he rides in the stroller and sometimes in he cozies up in the sollybaby wrap; either one the fresh air knocks him out and he is guaranteed a good snooze. Stella collects everything in sight.. flowers, rotting apples, rocks...we have quite a collection by the time we get back to the truck. yes...I am that Mom who tosses the pile while distracting her so she doesn't see. ;)

some good times with the littles on the towpath...

Welcome Back September, almost October!

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