Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Ricky's 1 Month Update

Dear Ricky,
You are the sweetest, most cuddly baby boy there ever was. You have added an incredible amount of love to our little family and we are just so smitten over you. You are the beautiful   handsome rainbow that we were anxiously waiting for. Your dimples melt my heart every time you smile at me; the one on the right especially....keep those smiles coming baby boy. The sounds that you make while you are asleep are so precious. You sigh, moan and groan while you catch those zzz's. You know that Daddy and I love you so so much...but your sister Stella- she simply adores you to pieces and cannot get enough of you...literally. I loose count every single day just how many kisses she gives you. Oh that full head of hair.... it stands straight up and is simply perfect. Stella loves to tickle her nose with it.  You have fallen asleep in just about every bath that you have taken. When the warm water hits your body, it puts you into this trance. Ricky, you are so loved and we are so glad that you are finally here.
Love, Momma

Weight: at your 2 week check up, you weighed in at 8 lbs 6 oz. So I am assuming a few ounces up from that. 
Height: 22 inches
Appetite: Holy Manga! You are quite the eater! You are still nursing every 2-3 hours :) We have had a few days and nights where all you wanted to do was eat, eat and eat! gotta love that cluster feeding :) When you were brought to recovery to see me while in the hospital after surgery, you latched right away. you made so Momma proud! You have been doing great nursing ever since! 
You have the same dairy intolerance that Stella had- so I will be 86ing dairy for now. 
Clothing Size: You are currently wearing 0-3 month clothing. We are still in newborn sized diapers but we'll be making the change to size 1s very very soon.
Milestones: We are doing about 20 minutes of tummy time a day. You are beginning to lift your head and strengthen those neck muscles.  You are beginning to focus and follow objects.
Thoughts: I feel so so blessed to have you as my son. You are my rainbow and I will always love you. 
Our routine:  Our routine that I wrote a few posts back still remains the same. No changes in our feedings, sleeping times and morning and nightly routines. 
Any big changes: 
Your favorites: Some of your favorites at the moments are:
1. eating
2. being held until you eat again- you love being carried in my the sollybaby wrap. 
3. sleeping 

All of the things a tiny little babe loves to do ;)

Momma’s Favorites: Oatmeal, Pumpkin Beer and spending time with you, your sister and your Daddy. Of course I am loving all of the newborn cuddles that you are giving me. 

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