Tuesday, September 8, 2015

She Always Seems To Amaze Me

This girl always seems to amaze me. She is growing up so fast. Just the other day she comes up to me with her little purse on her shoulder filled with her wallet and cell phone and keys in her hand and says to me "Mommy, I drive Daddy's truck and go shopping." I asked her what she needed to get and she responded, "milk, yoda (yogurt), and pickles!" She then counts her twelve singles that she has in her wallet and says, "Mommy, I rich!" She definitely keeps me on my toes. She has been repeating things that I say...just when I think she isn't listening to my conversation I hear what I said on repeat. 

And this top knot!! Stella is rockin' her first top knot! 

She is so sweet, shows us so much love, has such a big heart with a bit of sass; okay a lot of sass sometimes! Rick and I joke now about what we are in for it in about 16 years ;) She is already wanting say in what she wears, especially her shoes. I pick my battles! So what if we leave the house in a summer dress with polka dot socks and jellies...don't judge!

Since bringing Ricky home, she has started being a full time mommy to her babies. She imitates every.single.thing that I do with Ricky and it lasts all day long. I often find her baby swinging in Ricky's swing, or on his playmate or his bounce chair. Her babies wear diapers now and go peepee all day and need their diaper changed. Rick and I were laughing last night because not only was Rick changing Stella's diaper for the night, but he found himself changing Minnie's diaper too. 

you know you have a good daddy when you find him putting newborn diapers on a stuffed animal.

She walks around the house bopping them in her arms while burping them saying "shh shh shh." It really cracks me up.  I am always wearing Ricky in my sollywrap and so is Stella with her baby...

Stella you are my everything. I love you so so much. Yes, at times you make me crazy and can be a pain in my you know what...but my life is so much better with you in it and I would never want it any other way.
Some days I can't wait for the kiddies to be in bed because of a wild and crazy day, but the same thing always happens....when Rick finally puts her in her crib for the night- I miss her like crazy and want to run up and cuddle with her in the crib.

Stella- you have rocked my world in so many ways.

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