Monday, January 26, 2015


Days have been busy but relaxing all at the same time around here. Nights...the past few not so much. Stella's next set of two top molars broke gum two nights ago so they have been waking her up at night. She awakes with a painful cry and all she wants is to be cuddled. Guilty- but sometimes I just want to put her back in her crib and go back to my warm bed but I know when she doesn't quite fit in my lap anymore I will miss these nights and wish she was teething again ;)

On Friday I took Stella to Barnes and Noble which included a quick stop at Starbucks for a Vanilla Bean Creme Frappe for two :) to look at some new children's books. Her attention span in a book store is little to none. She had more fun taring down the books from the shelves than sitting down and reading them with me. When it was time to leave-holy mother of hell- the screams!

On Saturday we awoke to some snow. About 6 inches or so, enough to play in for sure! Stella kept signaling for Rick and I to follow her to the back sliding glass door, as she pointed outside saying "nooo" for snow. She wanted to go outside and play in it. So late morning we all bundled up and headed out for some snow play. She mainly wanted to eat it, follow Rick up and down the drive way as he snow blew and laughed at Ellie being silly in the snow. No snow play is complete without a hot cocoa to follow...with whip that is :)
Later Saturday night after our snow play, and some naughty Chinese food for grub, Stella's Gammy and Poppop came over for some playtime. Stella got her nails painted again for the millionth time that day and a few free laps around the house in her crazy coupe.

We have been doing our fair share of Valentine's Day treats lately. Before we had Stella I always did a festive treat here and there but since having her it has made me have so much more fun with food. Anything from simple little cut fruits during meals to specialty holiday treats. We both have fun making them but of course more fun sampling them all :)

On Sunday the family got together for Stella's cousins birthday. It doesn't happen very often anymore that everyone is available so when everyone is together it is so so special. Just to fill a house with people you love is something to be grateful for. My Grandma was saying that since the family growing the house seems small, I think it feels that much cozier. 

No better time for a Blizzard than now! Cheers!

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