Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Toddler Tales and some New Years Thoughts

We spent most of the weekend relaxing and watching a new series on Netflix since in was yucky and rainy out. Besides getting dressed, in a clean pair of cozy clothes to head to my parents for a Saturday dinner we pretty much stayed in our pj's all weekend. I'm not complaining! Weekends spent in the playroom rock my world lately.

To say Stella cracks me up these days in an understatement. This little gal loves to dress up. I mean tutu, crown and all. I am waiting for the day when she won't want to take the tutu off and will want to wear it to the store. ;)  Sometimes the dress up goes as far as wearing my shower cap around the house! That article of dress up stays inside and will not be worn to the store ;) The cold weather brought on chapped lips- hate those suckers! But fear not- Rick and I's faces will always be smothered in chapstick and will never be chapped. Stella loves to share her chapstick but fails to get it on the lips. ;) The chapstick is tinted too; so it looks like a blush job gone wrong. Just need to remind myself to take a double look in the mirror before leaving the house ;) Best was when Rick feel asleep on the couch, head on the arm rest. He woke up to getting a facial with jazberry jam chapstick!

Totally guilty of using bribery throughout the day. Stella is a whiz on the iPad. I actually had to start hiding my Ipad by putting it under the coffee table. It didn't take long for her to catch on because now I just catch her bent over, looking under the coffee table yelling "iPad!" I thought I might as well use it to my advantage. ;) "Let's change your diaper and you can have the Ipad" or "Let's get dressed and you can have the iPad" or "Finish eating your dinner and you can have the iPad."

Trying to get in shape for the new year? ha! not me, that's for sure. No need for a treadmill, all you need is a crazy coupe and a toddler! I am looking forward to taking this bad boy outside in the Spring, because laps around the house are getting boring!

Stella is at the stage now when she thinks it is hysterical when someone gets hurt. She will purposely push on my back to push me down. Once I fall over she finds it quite amusing. She has also become a climber. She has the need to climb whenever on whatever she can. I swear if I am sitting on the floor, I must have jungle gym written across my forehead.

As I said before in one of my last posts my only new years resolution and I am not sure if it even qualifys for a new years resolution is to organize some closets and cabinets. I am not going to really set myself up with any other resolutions this year. I do plan on getting some other things done around the house as there is no better time than at the beginning of a new year! After the holidays the house just doesn't feel as clean as it could. I would like to give the house a good deep clean. That is going to have to be a gradual process since cleaning with a toddler attached to your hip isn't of the easiest. i accept the challenge!

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