Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Valentine's Day Cards

we will never forget you sweet girl. 

Let me start by saying this week hasn't been one of the easiest. This is the week that Rick and I should have been bringing home our new bundle of joy but instead I find myself decorating this tree in memory of Mabel. I decided to leave the solar lights on it because at night they illuminate the tree and I can easily spot it when looking out the window...i find it offers a bit comfort allowing me to see it even in the darkest of dark.  I like to think Stella blessed us first to help us get through this. She is the perfect dose of happiness and happiness is the perfect medicine for going through something like this.

I was looking back at pictures from Valentine's Day last year and I am just amazed at how much my little babe has changed in just one year. She was a little immobile may I add,  ball on chunk last year and this year is running around speaking her mind.
my valentine last year...

my valentine this year

We have finally started our Valentine's festivities. We took a trip to Michaels Crafts and got a few things to make our Valentine's Day cards. We had a blast making them this year. Stella loves paint and using both of those on our cards, I knew would be a hit. We stuck with mostly pinks and reds and lots of stickers! They are stamped and awaiting departure in the mailbox :)

Stella thinks everything is chapstick lately.  As soon as I uncapped the marker, she made sure to apply it liberally. Too bad she missed her lips and drew a mustache instead ;) 

We have lots more V-day treats to make but did start with these Valentine's Day blondies. I am a die hard chocolate fan so these were more up Rick's alley. I find Stella is taking after me with the chocolate too lately. When we went for our Monday morning food shop she usually picks out a vanilla with pink frosting donut for dessert after dinner but instead spotted a box of these...

 By the way these are disappearing from the box, I'd say these beat her love of glazed munchkins from Dunkin Donuts. 

On another note, I really look forward to my one cup of coffee every morning with snickerdoodle Coffeemate. The past few mornings as I am drinking it, she comes over with her tea pot and pretends to pour me more into my coffee mug. It was so cute...until she began to put other things in my coffee mug while I wasn't looking. I prefer to drink my coffee with no toys in it thank you ;) This morning I had about one sip left- the last sip of goodness. I turned my head to put a log onto the fire and guess I forgot about that last sip. Some time later I found that last sip....poured out onto my bedroom carpet with the mug sitting next to it. Grrr....

Happy Hump Day!

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