Sunday, February 1, 2015

Playing Pretend

don't mind the upside down wings, we can thank Daddy for that...

I have too busy playing pretend and dress up to sit my ass in front of my lap top and blog ;) I would be lying if I said I didn't miss the baby baby stage: that fresh baby smell, the perfect fit in my one arm, the immobility-ha!, the breastfeeding, the staring, but I am loving this age that Stella is at right now. This is by far my favorite yet. We play dress up just about every day. I love watching the beginnings of my baby girls imagination. It really does rock my world. The dress up bin is usually the first that gets rummaged through. A tutu usually is the first to go on, then a crown, then a sash-or two and sometimes the wings. But the best yet, she chooses a wand and waves to yelling "abb!" for Abracadabra!

Tea parties are my jam these days. Especially tea brewed by the finest-Stella :) It is deeeeelicious! The best is when I am enjoying my hot coffee in the morning and she comes over to pour some more tea into my mug and the entire spout of the teapot dunks into my coffee. And just like her Momma- wearing her apron in the kitchen!

Also, it's finally February-almost Valentine's Day and this is what it has been looking like around our home...

and since it's superbowl we had to make a few cupcakes for the festivities... Yep! We are rooting for Seattle. :)

One of our appy's for Superbowl are mini heart shaped pizzas :) Stella and I had a little fun playing in the flour while preparing them....of course she pretended that the flour was make up and rubbed it all over her cheeks ;)

Well that is it for now...time to chow down on some appy's that are cooking away in the oven! 

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