Friday, January 9, 2015

Indoor Activites

Frigid temps call for indoor activities! Besides running to the bank drive thru and a quick trip to the market for a few ingredients we have been house bound for the past 3 days. Single digit temps make me want nothing more than to keep Stella inside, stay in our pjs and roast by the fireside.  Playing dress up, coloring, playing in long warm baths have all been on our agenda. We have made as many different food combos with the fake food as we possibly can! Sometimes even bringing a toy into the living room makes it a whole new toy!

Of course baking has also been on our agenda. We made this peanut butter pie and these oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. The pie is definitely on my make again list! It is so light and fluffy and not heavy from the peanut butter. :) and it is Stella and Hubby approved!

On a bedhead this the craziest bedhead that you've ever seen?

With her hair getting so long, I never know what I am going to see when she wakes! Some mornings and after naps are crazier than others! And I love it! Grow baby grow. I do pin it back or throw it up in a hairband during the day because it lays in her eyes. 

She is really trying with her language these days. She trys to repeat words that you ask her to say and it is so damn cute. Tree is 'dee', green is ' een', blue is 'bu', Mickey is either 'mmm' or 'ieey'. At night we feed the deer and watch for them to come eat. Stella stands by the front door saying 'deez'! stella you melt my heart.

Cheers to a Happy Friday!

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