Friday, January 16, 2015

Oh, How Things Change.

I kinda still can't believe we are in 2015 here. I was recently thinking about the past years and how Rick and I spent many, (10 years) together just enjoying each others company, doing dating things etc. Not until December of 2010 did things start to move much quicker for us. We got engaged in December 2011. we got hitched in August of 2012, we got pregnant in December 2012, we had Stella in September 2013, and then we found out we were expecting again in May of 2014. So, yea things started happening much faster. Time started going by much faster. These days I have no clue where it goes; sometimes I just wish it would slow down so we can enjoy each moment a little bit more. Time can be so strange too. It feels like just yesterday that Stella was swaddled and placed in my arms while in the hospital bed and it also feels like her first birthday was eternities ago.

So much has changed in these few years. Stella has taught me something new each and every single day. About her. About me. About being a parent. About life in general. She has knocked the wind out of my sails and built me up higher than the tallest mountain.  She has added so much to Rick and I's lives. Chaos, worry, exhaustion. But more than those, much much more than those, is the amount of joy, happiness, and love that she has added to our lives.

Rick and I have been parents for almost 16 months now and these have been the best 16 months of our lives so far.

These past few years are something I will forever be grateful for.

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