Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Ivory Carpet...What were we Thinking?

Making messes are one of the things that we do best around here. We know how to make a real mess :) Most of the messes are made with either toys or food. Letting a toddler learn to eat with a spoon and/or fork is one the the messiest things ever; and the only way they learn is to do. Stella is getting the hang of it. Last night I made eggplant rollatini for dinner and she ended up eating her entire eggplant roll and avocado with her fork...all by herself! Rick and I sat and watched in amazement. It really is incredible how quick they catch onto things at this age. I don't even bother to unplug and roll up the vacuum anymore. It is always either plugged in the living room or the kitchen waiting to vacuum up another mess. ahh, the days when I didn't need to sweep or vacuum after a meal.  While on the cleaning up note Stella has her own way of cleaning up. After she is done at the table and I pull out her chair, getting ready to vacuum up her mess, she feeds Ellie her scraps piece by piece.

Ellie is not complaining. ;)
Thinking back when Rick and I moved into this house and put new carpet into the living room we clearly weren't thinking about dogs or children. The rug has taken so much abuse over the past couple years. Let's see...let's just say english bulldogs are not of the cleanest ;), a bowl of lucky charms-milk and all, blueberry yogurt...
ivory carpet....Rick what were we thinking?!?!

On a Rick note, his and Stella's relationship is just the best. He is really is an incredible Daddy to Stella. 
The best Daddy let's his daughter paint his nails...and his wedding band...

The best Daddy pushes you infinite times around the house in your crazy coupe.
The best Daddy brings you home munchkins as a little surprise on his way home from work.

The best Daddy cooks with you in your kitchen.

Playing nail salon is Stella's new obsession. She wants her nails painted every few minutes even if there is polish already on them. She is always asking me to blow on them, even if they are already dry. as a matter of fact, when she woke up this morning the first thing she did as I was taking her out of her crib was put her nails to my mouth and wanted me to blow on them. 
 I remember when she was born and saying I can't wait to paint her little nails pink...and now they are pink, Damn...where the hell does time go?

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