Monday, January 5, 2015

Goodbye 2014...Hello 2015

As I look back on 2014 I see love, laughter, growth, happiness, heartbreak, tears, anger, change, strength...

There were moments that I laughed so hard my face hurt and moments I cried so much I thought I cried every tear I would ever have.

2014 was a great year, for the most part. Watching Stella grow into this smart, loving little girl is nothing short of amazing. She has become to have such a personality all of her own. She has changed so much in just one year and I am really having the time of my life. She is my ray of sunshine and gives me hope each and everyday.

I learned so much about myself this year. The amount of love that my heart has to give is much greater than I ever would of imagined. Being a Mom is the best damn thing in the world. I have learned that some things are completely out of my control. I also learned what a true heartbreak feels like. Pure sadness. That daunting heavy black cloud that hovers over you and never leaves you. I had to say good bye to a baby girl whom I wanted nothing more to meet, Stella to meet, Rick to meet, to hold, to sing more lullabies to. Good thing true love isn't tangible. I hope everyday she feels my love for her...last year, this year, and forever.

We have come such a long way in one short year. We have really become this family that enjoys each moment, takes nothing for granted, is grateful for everything including all the little things, and sees things in a much different perspective.

All in all 2014 was a year of amazing moments with some terrible ones intertwined.

And I am ready for a fresh new year.

Hey better be a damn good one.

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