Saturday, January 24, 2015

16 Months

Dear Sweet Baby Girl,
    Where time has gone, I have no clue. But, I do know that I am enjoying life more than ever because of you. You are growing up into your own little self right before my eyes. You are funny, smart, curious, beautiful and are such a lover girl. When you come up to me and cup my face in your two little hands and give me a kiss-sound effects included, my heart skips a beat. Stella, there isn't a single day that goes by that Daddy and I don't tell you and each other just how beautiful or smart you are. I love you more than words can ever can write. You are my sunshine, my world, my everything. Happy 16 months baby girl. 

Stella, I love you something fierce. 

Love you to the moon and back,
Ma! (as you call me ;) )

Stella is full of spunk and energy these days. She has changed so much and is doing so many funny things, nonstop talking and sleeping and eating like a champ. 
Here are a few specifics:

-Stella calls Rick and I "Ma" and "Da" now. If she is looking for us she will call us, if she is being goofy she will yell it as she is standing in front of him or I, when she wakes up she will call us from up in her crib, or sometimes she just likes to walk circles around the house yelling "Ma! Da! Ma! Da!"

- She will walk around the house with a picture frame and identify the people (or Ellie) in the photograph. 

-When she wants milk she points to her bottle and says "mmm", can't quite get the ilk out yet. 

- When she wants a snack she will walk over to the pantry and yell "nack!"

- If she wants to watch Mickey, she will point to the TV and say "mmm". 

- She really eats anything and everything that Rick and I put in front of her. The only meals that she has not really cared for are the dinners that had a bit more kick to them than usual. I do dummy down on the cayenne or hot pepper flakes if the recipe calls for them. Some of her favorite foods are broccoli, poached eggs, lucky charms, pomegranate, peas, spinach, avocado, pasta, grapes, munchkins and whole grain strawberry cereal bars. Water and milk are her two favorite things to drink. 

- She is still in bed sometime between 7:30 and 8 and she sleeps until 7ish. 

- When she wants a diaper change, sometimes she will grab her own diaper without one having to ask her to get it. But if Rick or I ask her to get us a diaper, she does so and calls it a "Da"

- She loves loves loves to feed Ellie breakfast and dinner. Rick and I help her scoop the food and she dumps it into Ellie's bowl and tells her "Eee" for easy!

- She can identify Black, Blue, Yellow, and Green.

-She loves to take a shower and play in the rain :)

-She is wearing both 12-18 month and 18-24 month clothing. She is wearing a size 3 shoe and is still in size 4 diapers.

- She is a whiz on the iPad, but we do limit her time on it :)

-The list of things that she can identify is endless. 

- She loves to watch the deer come and eat. When she sees them eating she yells "Dees!"

-More times than not, you will find her in a tutu, a backwards headband, and most likely chap stick that has been heavily applied- preferably pink :)

-She has 12 teeth now and loves to brush them!

-She likes to do the itsy bitsy spider and does the hand motions as I sing the song. 

-When we wake up in the morning the first thing we usually do is get the fire going. When I get some wood off the porch Stella says "woo" and gets the paper out of the coffee table draw and begins to crumble it into balls for the wood stove. She is such a big help ;). When the fire is lit, she says "Ha" for hot!

-She loves to mix when cooking or baking in the kitchen. 

- After she eats her dinner she says "tee" for treat. Loves her dessert- girl after my own heart. 

I am sure I am missing a thousand things and will keep wanting to edit this post to add to this list. But this is a brief list of what Stella is up to these days. 

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