Monday, December 1, 2014

Before Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving and after Thanksgiving.

I have a feeling I am going to be absent from blogging more than anticipated this Holiday! So many things to do :) This is a busy time of year, but I love it! On Wednesday, it really felt like Winter. The snowfall by us was great. It was the first snowfall worth playing in this year. As soon as I noticed that our back deck was covered I bundled Stella up and took her out onto the deck to feel the big falling snowflakes. ( I also stuck a big bowl out on the deck to catch clean snow for snow cream!) She loved it so much that she didn't want to go back inside. I wasn't prepared for this! I had no snow suit or snow boots for her. So being the crazy Momma that I am, I bundled her up, stuck her in the truck, slapped the truck in snow mode and to the store we went for a snowsuit and boots! The smallest snowsuit I could find was a 2T so I got it anyway in hope to roll up the pants. "I can't put my arms down!" Can't wait for Christmas Story! Needless to say, all she wanted to do was eat the snow.
It was well worth the trip out.

Thanksgiving was great. We started it with some festive breakfast...turkey cinnamon rolls!
It was a day spent with family and full bellies. I love watching Stella around her cousins. It is interesting to see them interact with each other. I always wonder what they are thinking. Stella is still a bit unsure around big crowds, even if it is family. It takes her a good amount of time to warm up to herself. Even when she does warm up, she doesn't act half of her goofiness as she does at home. She did look so stinkin' cute on Thanksgiving. Leave it to me to have matching headbands!

Unfortunately Rick had work on Friday. I am no person to go out on Black Friday. Not for the 'experience', and not for the deals. So Stella and I stayed in and decorated the mantel with the village. 
I absolutely love when Stella walks over to me, snuggles into me and gives me a kiss without me even having to ask for some lovin. Melts my heart over and over again.  She really is such a lover girl. 

Stella has the biggest obsession with my vintage ornament wreath... good thing it is out of her reach ;) I love putting out the decorations this time of year. Having little miss around is making that much sweeter! I am getting more and more excited for Christmas morning with her. 

We were lucky enough to be able to celebrate a second Thanksgiving with my in-laws on Saturday. Yep, that meant another full Turkey dinner! get in my belly! The time that we were on our way over to my in laws Stella usually has her mid afternoon snack. Anyway, we skipped the snack. Come 5:00, this girl was hungry! She was walking laps around the house, every so often stopping at her seat in the dining room shouting EAT! It had us all laughing and had Grandma speed cooking as fast as she could!  :) when this little gal is hungry, watch out! 

Thanksgivings with both sides of the family both were just perfect. 

Sunday was surprisingly warm outside, even though there was still snow covering the ground. Thank goodness because we were finally taking our family pictures for our holiday card. I am so so happy with the way they turned out, and Stella was great! compliments of Diane Kubicke Photography ;)
I am so excited to share them!!

It is officially December and it is the first day of our advent calendar! Stella spotted it without me even saying anything to her. As soon as she saw the tree, she stood there frozen just staring with a smile on her face. It is going to be so hard keeping her away from it. Ha :) After she opened present number 1, she wanted to open another. sorry Stella, one a day!

24 Days until Christmas...but who's counting?! ;)

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