Thursday, December 4, 2014

Toddler Tales

I can see how people could write a novel on toddler tales. This little munchkin is pretty damn funny these days. I am finding things in the oddest of places. Ha! She has a yucky obsession with the kitchen garbage can lately. So much that she is enjoying putting her toys in it. ew! So every now and then I find myself doing a random trash can check. i forgot how much i love garbage picking! 

Good thing I sort my dirty laundry once I get down into the laundry room and not just reach in and throw loads in. I can't count how many of Stella's shoes randomly end up mixed in our laundry. they are not wash machine safe little miss Stella!

Rick and I normally don't leave our credit cards laying around but the other night we had one resting on the coffee table because we have been online holiday shopping machines. It feels so good to be almost done. I am and especially Rick are usually the ones running around the week of Christmas getting last minute gifts. not this year!  Guess who got their sticky fingers on the card?! Rick caught her red handed hiding it in her big tube of wooden blocks. this shouldn't be happening for another 17 years right?! "Dad I borrow your credit card?" 

And I can't forget about the little art projects that I am finding all over the house- on the walls, and cabinets. Thank goodness it is just chalk and it wipes write off. All other coloring materials will remain locked away and out of reach! 

I just love this age so so much. The advent calendar is going great. She opens the present of the day each morning before breakfast and as soon as I turn to walk away she opens another and sometimes another. So needless to say I have re wrapped many of the presents not just once but twice! Yesterday she opened a tutu and wore it all morning and afternoon! Maybe I will have to tell Santa that she would love some dress up things!

Yesterday while she was busy playing in her playroom I thought I would erase the Thanksgiving day chalkboard and do a Holiday one. Don't you know, as soon as I was done Stella went over to the chalkboard and with her two little hands spread wide open wiped the what she could reach of the board with them.

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