Sunday, December 21, 2014

Holiday Shenanigans

The holidays have been so much fun around here! I really can't wait for Christmas morning. You'd think I was the kid waiting for Santa to come and walk down to see all my presents under the tree on Christmas morning. Between the advent calendar and getting presents from friends and family, she kinda has the present excitement-opening business down. game on.

I think it's fair to say I have skipped blogging some lately because of Holiday fun! can't blame me for trying to suck up every single moment i can with this little munchkin.  Let's see...we have been busy making salt dough hand print ornaments, building gingerbread houses and reading Christmas stories. Oh yea and wearing these fancy dress up specs.... she seriously melts my heart...

Back to our Holiday shenanigans. I found a recipe for salt dough to make some hand print impression ornaments.  The dough couldn't have been easier. Stella actually mixed all three ingredients for me ;) flour, salt, and water! Rolled out the dough, stamped those bad boys and baked them in a 125 degree oven for an hour! Easy peesy! 

We had a blast making our gingerbread house this year. Not sure if Stella had more fun licking the icing off of the house or eating the candies. After watching Rick and I stick the candies to the house, she caught on and started taking handfuls of nerds and runts and dumping them on the roof. Where ever they fell is where the stayed. :) All in all the house looked pretty damn good if you ask me ;)

A new chalkboard and some new books...thanks G.G for the new Christmas books! Stella enjoys pointing out Santa in her Christmas books whenever she can. She loves him on paper; but in person...not a chance!

Another reason I love this time of year is the gatherings that we have with friends and family. We had our annual Christmas get together this weekend and it fell no where short of perfect. Spending time with special people, good food, festive cocktails and kiddies wearing each other out make for a great night. and my little babe went to sleep at 10:30 p.m and was still awake at 6:20 a.m.!! What the hell?? :)

Yes Stella this is your crazy ass Uncle Wyatt...

Only 4 more days until Christmas! And only three more days until my baby girl is 15 months old. 

After a great weekend, Sunday had the most perfect ending. There is no sweeter thing than lounging in front of the fire with my baby girl sound asleep on my chest, listening to each soft breathe that she takes....pure heaven. 

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