Sunday, December 7, 2014

Everything is Better in a Tutu

Our weekend was full of Christmas festivities and I loved every minute of them. Saturday was all day rain. Our plan was to go cut down our Christmas tree but that definitely wasn't going to happen. So instead we had some Rudolph pancakes, met up with some friends for lunch and took Stella to see Santa. When we got to Santa's North Pole, he was of course on break so we wondered around the mall for a bit. Rick suggested we head back to get in line a few minutes early and good thing we did. Five minutes after we began the line, there were more than 30 people in line. Stella is not one to be strapped down for long periods of time now that she is mobile. So to help the time go by and keep her occupied while waiting for Santa (to come back from the bar?!) she was the little babe pulling the snow out of the North Pole. I kept hearing little voices in line "Mom, look! That little girl is pulling out the snow!" whatever it takes i guess, right?

She was fine until she sat on his lap and got a good look at him up close. Immediate waterworks!
The rest of the day was spent in jammies at home staying out of the rain. We played in the ball pit, and made Christmas cut out cookies. It really is fun making messes together. cleaning them up is another story. The second I dropped the flour onto the table to keep the dough from sticking her little hands were in it swishing like windshield wipers. She caught on pretty quick :) She was cutting out cookies in no time! 

These are the moments that I wish I could freeze and spend forever in.

Sunday we woke up and headed right to the tree farm after breakfast. Can you believe that there was a line at the tree farm waiting for the gates to open? We were torn between how to maneuver Stella through the tree farm. We figured the grounds were going to be saturated from Saturday's rain so the stroller wasn't the best option. We didn't feel like sinking in the mud, and Stella wasn't going to make it walking the distance of the tree farm as much as she would of loved to try. So the baby Bjorn it was. Let's just say she wasn't the biggest fan. Being strapped in, just isn't her cup of tea these days. She was in love with every tree that we passed, and wanted to touch each and every one of them. The wind was incredible. Her little nose looked like Rudolph's by the time we were done.

 After getting back from the tree farm we played in the playroom, of course playing in Tutu's is so much more fun, while Rick cut a hole in the house ;) Fingers crossed we will be sweating our asses off in front of the wood stove one day this week!  We wrapped up our weekend with a new soup recipe for Soup Sunday! Chicken enchilada soup. It was damn good, especially because it was so cold outside!

17 days until Christmas! 

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