Sunday, December 14, 2014

Check, Check and Check

Clearly I am not blogging during naps lately. I have been busy doing other things: wrapping, wrapping, some more wrapping...

We have checked a few more things off of our Winter/Holiday bucket list. One tradition I wanted to carry on from my childhood to Stella's is taking a trip to Peddlers Village during Christmas to see all of the lights and we did just that Saturday night. It was cold freezing! Little miss Stella reminded us of Randy from Christmas Story she was so damn bundled. She was in awe with the lights. All I saw was her little mittens pointing at the lights saying 'Ah!' With some hot apple cider, bustling through the crowds, my childhood memories came right back to me.

Sunday was mostly spent at home, beside the wood stove baby! After some gold flake dusted pancakes for breakfast and a quick lunch with some friends in town, Rick, Stella and I roasted watching the wood stove burn baby burn! Stella loved most chillin' in nothing but a onsie! That girl would live naked if she could.

We are lit!

Stella and I baked a batch of cupcakes and put a few decorations on them after they cooled. Momma smothered frosting on them and Stella stuck a mini gingerbread man on the cake :)  She made sure she licked her little fingers every chance she got! 

For the record, this gal is a dipper! Stella had a few baked french fries as part of her dinner! She dunked those bad boys in ketchup before each and every bite! i guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree ;)

Peddlers Village...check
Crazy Coupe assembled...check
Presents wrapped...check
Baking holiday decorated cupcakes...check!

Lastly....Stella selfies...yes please! She thought it was the strangest thing seeing herself in the phone. She was playing peekabo with herself until she discovered the camera button. A few selfies later...

10 Days until Christmas!

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