Thursday, December 11, 2014

The Halls are Decked

The halls are decked! The stocking are hung by fireside, the tree is up and the village is lit. I am truly in disbelief that Christmas is 2 weeks away! Like every other year I know that it is going to come and go so damn fast. I am trying to enjoy every moment with Stella this year. When Rick brought the tree in Monday night to stand she was beside herself. She kept rubbing the branches and needles talking to herself in her own language. the whole time i was wondering what she was saying. Rick and I just looked at each other and laughed. She didn't leave the tree the entire night until it was time for bed. We let it fall for the night and decided to decorate it on Tuesday night. Stella was mesmerized as the lights went up on the tree. And as Rick and I hung ornaments on the tree, Stella took ornaments off the tree. ;) Needless to say that is why we went a little light on the ornaments this year. There are two ornaments that hold a very special place in my heart, which were the first two that were placed on the tree.

Mabel and Elroy, you are both missed terribly.  

Stella's Aunt Ashley and her cousins bought her an Elf on the Shelf as an early Christmas present. As the story goes you are not aloud to touch her or else she looses her magic powers and can't return to the North Pole to tell Santa how you are behaving. Since Stella doesn't quite understand just yet and all she wants to do is touch her and hold her we decided to place Tinsel (that is what we named her)  sitting in the tree in the kitchen and to watch over Stella.  Hopefully they will become more familiar with each others faces and we can have more fun next year. 

Our advent calendar looks a bit shabby for this week. :) Presents are randomly missing, gift boxes are empty. O well. How can you say no to a one year old just wanting to open a present? One a day doesn't seem to be enough. I honestly have no clue where some of the numbered present went. Two are MIA! So, there are less presents than days left until Christmas! If Stella isn't in your sight, than most chances are you can find her at the advent calendar! sneaking a present or 2!

On another note, my shopping is done! This is a first ever! All that is left is wrapping :) Nothing I can't handle. I am really excited for Stella to open her gifts! i am getting bored of playing with the same toys over and over again ;) Momma needs some new toys to play with!

Next on the to do list? Build our gingerbread house and start prepping for our Christmas party next weekend. 

Sparkle leggings? Yes, please!

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