Saturday, November 1, 2014

Whoooo's the cutest owl?

I am so sad to put away Stella's Halloween clothes and hair barretts. We had so much fun wearing them and being festive all of the time. But on to the next holiday?!

Before going out trick or treating we did a little caramel apple dipping. yumm...had to kick off the night right! It only took Stella one glance at the bowl of caramel to stick her entire hand in and grab an entire handful before shoving it in her mouth before Rick or I could stop her. she was thinkin' my thoughts... ;)

Halloween was great! Stella had a stinkin' blast trick or treating. She exceeded Rick and I's expectations by far! We were out for over an hour and she could of kept going, but Momma cut it short.. I had enough candy ;) I was very happy with the finished product. Stella was an owl. An adorable owl. She rocked that costume like she owned it..well she did own it ;) She kept the costume on all night with no complaints. you go girl!  I didn't get the pictures I envisioned because of little miss ants in her pants but here are a few...

On another Stella note....

She is off! 

and I can't keep up!

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