Monday, November 3, 2014

Build, Knock Down and Repeat.

It is crazy how many times you will repeat something just to keep a toddler occupied. This weekend I must have built 100 towers out of blocks just to be knocked down and built again and also put together an umpteenth amount of puzzles. The only difference is when she takes apart the puzzles she manages to slide each puzzle piece as far away on the wood floor as she possibly can. I am shocked that we haven't lost any puzzle pieces yet; to under the fridge or stove or god knows where else. The chilly temps and ridiculous wind have been keeping us in the house a bit more (other than running errands and having coffee dates with friends) so we are finding things to keep us occupied. Stella has had quite the obsession with stickers lately. We like to stick them on each other, especially our noses, hands and feet. She gets a real kick out of it. I know I won't be laughing as much when I find stickers stuck to the painted walls and furniture. But, until then it is worth all the giggles and more.

Just amazed at how big she is... 

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