Tuesday, November 25, 2014

14 Months

Dear my Sweetest Stella,
   I am sitting here pinching myself to make sure this is real You are 14 months old. Where has the time gone? Stella, I don't even know where to begin with this letter. I am having so much fun with you each and everyday. This age is truly a blast! You are funny, loving, smart, curious, and the list can really go on and on. This time of the year is a time to be thankful; but I am truly thankful for you each and everyday of my being. I am thankful for you, thankful for the giggles that you give me every single day, thankful for those cheesy grins, thankful for the kisses that you smack on my lips, thankful for your health, thankful for your trust that you have in me, thankful for absolutely everything that has to do with you. Stella, I have had some sad days this past month, and to put it as simply as I can...you have been my ray of sunshine. You have helped me get through those bad days; you make me see sunshine on a rainy day. You are an amazing little girl with a huge heart, and the love that I have for you in my heart is larger than I can ever describe. 
You have changed so much in this past month and have learned so many new things. I love you so so much and you are one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Thank you for being you, and for loving me the way that you do . 
You are nothing short of an amazing daughter. You are my daughter and I am proud to be your Momma. Happy 14 months sweet baby girl. 

All my love,
P.S: Love you to the moon and back.

Here are some 14 month updates...

Your appetite is great! Your three meals are never left at the table:) Your favorite foods right now are spinach, avocado, pomegranate, cinnamon chex, poached eggs, pasta and broccoli. Oh yea and can't forget the sweet peas! You usually have a light snack in the afternoon between lunch and dinner. That snack is typically a yogurt, goldfish, some shredded cheese or some serving of fruit like sliced grapes, or blackberries. We let you have one treat a day and that is after dinner. On grocery shopping days I let you pick out a donut from the bakery and on the other days it is either an ice pop or a mini powdered donut. 

You awake anytime between 6-7 a.m. and are in bed every night between 7:30-8:00p.m. You are a kick butt sleeper and only awake in the night if you need to be changed because of a dirty diaper. We have made the transition to one nap a day. One nice looong nap- 2-3 hours! :) Depending on the time you woke up, the time of breakfast or your afternoon appetite, your nap is sometimes before lunch and sometimes after lunch but is always in the afternoon around noon/1ish. 

Some of your favorite things to do lately are... dance, play with stickers, draw on the windows with the window crayons, finger paint, walk laps around the house, turn the TV on and off, and to have dance parties in the kitchen. 

Some of the new things that you are doing and saying these days are...
 -When we ask you if you want to eat, you say "eat" and you sometimes walk right to your chair.
 - When we tell you it's time to brush your teeth, you say "teeth" and walk right to the bathroom.
 -When I say to you let's go potty, you walk in the bathroom right to your potty.
 - You know the number 1 and hold up one finger.
 -You are a stair climbing machine. Those bad boys are blocked off now!
 - You tell Ellie to "get" when she is in your way.
 - You can blow kisses ( well half way- you put your hand to your mouth, we are still working on the blow part).
 -You say catch when we ask you if you want to play catch.
 - You say 'HOT' when you see my coffee mug. 
 - When we say milk, you walk right to the refrigerator.
- You look out the windows and call the Deer "Deeries"
- You call Ellie. 
- When we ask you if you want to take a bath, you walk right to the steps to head upstairs. 
- You are getting better at using a spoon when you eat.
- You are talking up a storm!!! All day, every day!
- When we ask you if you pooped... you grunt! It is hysterical. 
- You can identify eyes, nose, mouth and hair.
-You can use your Leapfrog Jr. all by yourself. \

...I am sure there are many that I am missing ;)

You are one smart little girl Stella. 14 Months is so much fun! 

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