Sunday, November 16, 2014

Oh This Girl...

Oh this girl...
testing boundaries already...
really pushing the limits...
but Rick and I can't help but laugh...

This weekend Stella has shown us a whole new side of her personality. Rick and I saw and heard sooo many new things first hand. When we ask her is she wants to eat? she responds 'eat.' what? where did that come from?  If you ask her if she pooped? she responds with a grunt as if she is pushing out a terd. and where did she learn that? She covers her eyes and plays peek a boo, she changes the channel on the TV and then looks at Rick or I and says 'Uh oh' along with doing the hand gesture. oh this girl!  She pats the side of her leg while calling Ellie when ask her to call Ellie. ellie just looks at her thinking 'riiight, like I am going to listen to you?!'  And the continuous conversations with herself are priceless.

This weekend was productive. It all started with me telling Rick that we needed the cabinet locks put on STAT after Stella got into the pantry, dumped an entire box of cereal on the floor and began eating it piece by piece off of the floor. Stella was Rick's little helper when it was time to put on those bad boys.

We are having a wood stove put in so Rick finished up prepping the existing fireplace space since the rest of the supplies are arriving this week. That meant indoor activities while Daddy worked. Crayola window crayons, cartoons, baked cupcakes, and we were part of the crazy Sunday food shoppers...

WINDOW crayons Stella not doggie nose crayons... :)
Ellie the red nose bulldog... ;)

See that ivory chair in the background that has her name on it? 

Funny story...
Stella knows she is not suppose to climb and stand on it but she does just to be told no. She thinks it is funny and some sort of game. I was in and out of the playroom while cooking dinner and Rick was playing with her. I heard him say to her to sit in the chair and not to stand. So I walked in the playroom and she saw me right away. She smiled at me ear to ear and I sternly (okay, I was trying my best to not smile) told her to sit while pointing a finger at her. While smiling at me, she pointed a finger back at me and babbled something! WHAT?!

Rick also helped out Stella and I with one of our DIY pallet projects. It still needs a few last touches and tweaks that we will be working on this week. We will reveal the end product on December 1st ;) hint hint. So excited!

These frigid temps make me want to cook soup. Now that it seems the cold temps will be hanging around for a bit it is time for soup Sundays. We wrapped up the weekend with this lasagna soup. With a few substitutions it is definitely a make again soup! 

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