Thursday, November 20, 2014

Toddler Bites

Stella definitely has favorites when it comes to filling her belly. Even though she would rather eat those favorites, she really is open to trying anything. She usually eats whatever we are eating. Unless she isn't hungry, she usually gives no problems with eating. After dinner is when she gets to enjoy her little sweet treat for the day. For example, she loves loves loves glazed or powdered munchkins; so on those days that Rick or I pick a couple up for her she will get to eat one after dinner. :) She most enjoys taking a bite and putting it back in the bag, taking another bite and putting it back in the bag- it's comical to watch.

Here are some of Stella's plates lately...

This plate is full of her favorites. These 4 foods (pomegranate, fried egg, avocado and spinach) especially the spinach, are her go to foods these days. 

mini waffles with butter, mandarin oranges and yogurt

mini waffles with butter, half of banana and a serving of yogurt

bowl of cinnamon chex and sliced blueberries


tuna sandwich, blueberries, and organic rice and corn cheddar puffs

she is a sucker for pb&j! Peanut butter and jelly, organic rice and corn cheddar puffs and peas

whole wheat pita, tuna salad, slices grapes and avocado

tri color tortellini with homemade applesauce

Dinner time is usually a chaotic time around here. Rick is usually home and in the shower, and I am cooking dinner while running around after Stella. She can usually be found outside the bathroom peering through the crack under the door calling "Dad!" I am not sure why but if she doesn't eat around her dinner time I hit the panic button. She gets one snack and some milk in the afternoon around 3 or so. I don't let her snack much during the day after lunch because I like her to be hungry and eat her dinner. So when dinner time hits, she is hungry! like momma get that damn food on the dinner table hungry.  

Therefore, because I panic to feed her on time, and i'm trying to cook and look after a busy toddler there are not many pictures of Stella's dinner plates. She likes to dig her hands in it before I can even snap a photo. ;)

Lasagna soup with blueberries. 
Some of our other dinners lately have been turkey sausage and apple stuffed acorn squash, creamy tomato penne with spinach, chicken and veggie stir fry, spicy parmesan shrimp, brown rice and beans with veggies, and tacos.

Bon Appetit!

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