Sunday, November 23, 2014

More Pictures than Words

I don't really have much to write on this night that I sit here with the lap top on my lap, Stella asleep and Rick watching some boob tube. Christmas is slowly quickly making it's way into our lives and we haven't stuffed ourselves with a delicious turkey yet. It's crazy. Christmas jingles are on all day, Christmas jammies are out and even worn to go shopping, Momma's DVRing Hallmark Christmas movies, we already watched Elf. Okay, confession: Elf is the best movie made and we watch it all year round! And the best of all? I already started my Christmas shopping- thank you free shipping!

Anyway, it's a new week, and it's Thanksgiving Day week!
And completely was like effing Spring outside! You bet your ass we were outside soaking it up.

So here goes the pictures shall we? ...

Yes to Christmas jammies :)

This little gal can point out Santa in a crowd!

Did someone say STATIC? 

swinging our hearts out until it gets too cold.

Okay those eyes are killer! 

Crunching the leaves... "November you're beautiful"

Loading training.

Sidewalk chalk with my blondie,

Stella and I gave some warmth and Christmas cheer to baby "Mabel's" tree. Our guardian angel that watches us from above is thought about everyday...xoxo
Mabel means strength, beauty and love. 

So thankful for these them to pieces. 

'Literally' walking around town.

Who needs a stroller?! :)

CHEERS! to a great Thanksgiving Day week!

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