Thursday, November 6, 2014

A Few of Our Favorites Lately

Today I am snot suckin' and disinfecting. Stella woke up this morning with little symptoms of what seems like the beginning of a cold. poor thing. She has a booger nose and a tiny little cough. But it's not gettin' her down; she is still walking around this house like a crazy gal!

Our Halloween decor is put away and our little Thanksgiving decorations are out. Our home is full of those warm fallish colors which is another reason why I love Fall decor. We updated our chalkboard- Stella's artwork is always bottom right hand corner since that is all she can reach ;) We also gave our orange pumpkins a little makeover with some ivory paint and gold glitter and hung our DIY 'give thanks' burlap garland from last year. It's not much, but it is just a nice touch.

Along with our Fall decorations around the home, some other things that are on our 'favorites' list lately are...

Coloring. Stella loves loves loves to color. When I ask her if she wants to color she heads right to the crayon bin and lets out this squeal of excitement as she flaps her arms like a bird. Even more cute than that, she loves to write her name as we hold the crayon together. Every time we would write her name I would slowly say the letters aloud. Well now she does the same. But every letter sounds like a drawn out 'a'. Love it. 


Baby yoga is another favorite. I really have no words for this one. Stella breaks out some yoga anywhere and everywhere. Maybe looking at the world upside down is just that more interesting. 

Stella and I have jumped on the pomegranate band wagon and don't want it to stop. We are non stop eating machines when it comes to the kick ass pomegranate. This is just another reason why I love this time of year. They don't get much redder and juicier than now! best late night snack ever!

Time to go get the rugrat since she waking up for her nap. Heading upstairs fully loaded with the nose freida a.k.a snot sucker, booger wipes and the babyganics hand sanitizer!  ;)

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