Saturday, March 5, 2016

Thirty One Facts for Thirty One Years

Well, I am now 31. Rick and I are the same age for a couple of months until I am the young one again. ;) I figured I would put a list of some facts together about myself, but then thinking about it, I can probably guarantee that most of them will be about the kids. maybe not, we shall see. After all, they and Rick too have made me who I am today. So let's get started...

1. I am a Mommy to two amazing babies here at home and one tiny angel in heaven that looks down on my little family each and every day. 
2. I LOVE coffee.
3. I enjoy having a cold beer or glass of wine while I cook dinner.
4. I love when my toes and especially my finger nails are painted. 
5. My daily wardrobe consists of v-neck t shirts, cozy sweaters, button down shirts and leggings. When I do get dressed to go out it feels really good :)
6. I haven't had my hair cut since last July! (before Ricky was born.)  i am going to go book an appointment right now!!
7. I love love love being a Mom, I really think it is by far the best thing ever, My blog portrays almost all of our moments looking easy going, and endless fun. But truth is I have days where I am waving the white flag waiting for Rick to get home. (and the f bomb may have slipped out under my breathe)
8. Sometimes when I ask Stella what she wants for breakfast, she answers "a jelly samich and butter samich." a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Sometimes I cave and let her have it :)
9. I am a morning person. Good thing for that because the kids are early risers!
10. I never ever take my Mabel necklace off. 
11. I love trying new dinner recipes. After trying a new recipe it either goes on the make again list or straight in the trash, 
12. I hate emptying the dishwasher!
13. One of my greatest desires is for my children to look back on their childhood when they are grown and think damn it was a good one.
14. A guilty pleasure of mine are deep dried buffalo wings.
15. I would love to learn how to sew and make my kids clothes one day. 

halfway there...

16. I am so grateful for my other half. Being in a happy, healthy marriage is amaze-balls :)
17. I truly deeply feel so fortunate to able to stay home and raise our kids. 
18. I have excepted the fact that our house has kids and it's okay for it to look like a tornado came whipping through it. toys everywhere!!
19. My hair is always in a top knot! Maybe because it is too long at the moment and it always gets in the way with nursing. Ricky is not a fan of hair with his milk.
20. My favorite food is sushi. I could eat it seven days a week for dinner. 
21. If I were to have a collection it would either be of sunnies, love me a cool pair of shades,  or t-shirts with kick ass sayings on them. 
22. My favorite memory with the hubby is... I could easily say our trips to Aruba held some pretty kick ass memories but watching him hold Stella for the first time in our hospital room after she was born. becoming a Daddy.
23. Right now at the very top of my wish list is a hammock that will hold all four of us :)
24.Favorite candy by far are Good n Plenty's.
25. I am a sucker for Target and HomeGoods.
26. I think that moment when you see your baby for the very first time out of the womb is the most magical, insane feeling in the world!
27. My everyday make up routine consists of moisturizer, tinted beauty balm, under eye corrector, a bit of bronzer on forehead, cheeks and nose, little bit of blush, eye liner and some days mascara. I also love a good neutral gloss.
28. I blow dry my hair 2-3 times a week. 
29. I really hope for Stella and Ricky to grow up and be best friends. 
30. Totally love dancing around the kitchen to good tunes...probably a little too much :)
31. I hate that I love Justin Bieber's music sooo much!!

Cheers to 31! 

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