Friday, March 18, 2016


making// okay, so one pot meals have been my jam lately. We had these two this week and loved them both. One pot Lasagna and one pot chicken chow mein. You had me at one pot and less clean up! :) We also whipped up a batch of  these.  They definitely won't last very long. Yumm!
drinking//  totally loving Starbucks new (to me it's new) Cold Brew! 
reading// articles on why toddler's don't want to go to bed even though they are sooo tired!
watching// Umm...nothing crazy. Was watching the Bachelor but that is over and I am still giving that new Show The Family a try. Not totally sold yet. 
listening// to Frozen on repeat and Stella beltin' out the tunes! "Let it Go, Let it Go....Can't hold it back anymore!"

and this girl is always singing 'It's all about that Bass' and "Shake it off". She cracks me up.

eating//  our lunch outside. Stella loves when we have picnics :) And our girl scout cookie delivery has finally arrived. Thin mints and samoas. Stella is hooked- may have to hide a few. I am not going to lie- I was thinking about telling her that they were spicy ;) Mean Mommy.  Hehe.
smelling//  Lots of baby food purees. Ricky is finally loving the chicken breast pureed with sweet potato. I used to do more of an entire meal prep for Stella and freeze the food in ice cube trays. Not doing that this time around. I found that it is easier for me to make fresh everyday or every other day using my CuisinartBaby. 

loving//  this boy so so much.

hoping//  that these crazy kiddos nap in sync today so I can get some more painting done in the foyer. 
wearing//  hopefully Stella will be wearing these sandals that the Easter bunny is bringing her very soon! I fell in love with them!

bookmarking// Different long hair styles...even though I always end up getting there and telling her to just gimme' the usual trim. I am not sure why I always do that but I do. 

and looking forward to// finally getting my hair did' tonight! It's only been since last July! 
putting together two awesome Easter baskets for my babes. 

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