Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Spring Vibes with a Tutu For Each Day of the Week

Lots of good Spring vibes right now! We are glad to say good bye to February. It was a germy month for us over here and I can finally say we are all clear! Coughs, bronchiolitis, snot...oh my! It has felt like forever since I could say that we are all healthy. We made minimal errands, more doctor appointments, and canceled too many play dates. So March here we are, ready as ever! Bring it on! The warm weather that is :) Today's weather is where it's at. I love this weather, probably because it poops the kids out and maybe, just maybe they will be in bed early tonight! We spent as much of it outside as we could. We walked (Stella ran some and pushed Ricky in the stroller some) along the towpath, and  made our first walk to the market for a much needed can of tomato paste for tonight's dinner. I usually hate when I have all my ingredients but one for a recipe; but today I didn't mind so much. It gave me a reason to get in that extra walk. Ricky just relaxed in the stroller and took in all the scenery and sounds. 

On a side note...Frozen has been on repeat. Stella is Elsa Crazy. I honestly thought she skipped the whole Elsa high, but apparently she is on it,just a tad late. I swear Rick and I can probably recite way more lines from that movie at the moment then we would like to admit. Since her Elsa obsession, Stella is living in her dress up bin and trunk. She eats, sleeps and plays in her princess dresses and tutus like never before. I am talking the whole get up- crown, gloves and jewelry. I think my days of choosing her outfits to head out and run errands are numbered. Comprising with a toddler is easier said than done. Two days ago she wanted to wear her entire Minnie Mouse getup to the store- with a little bribery I got her to change into her blue tutu instead. This morning was a different story- she won! Stella chose her own outfit- her Ariel dress, and red hunter boots for the win!

and....if you read my last post: I may have bought something super exciting for Spring off of my current wish list ;)

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