Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Easter Weekend 2016

Okay, I honestly feel like we just put these plastic eggs away! I can guarantee they will be hanging around for another long while. Stella is crazy over the plastic Easter eggs and Ricky doesn't think they are half bad either ;) She fills them with anything and everything! Twenty eggs multiplied into hundreds. Rick and I will be cleaning these suckers up for the next umpteenth months. Easter weekend came and went so fast. We made sure to have a little Easter fun everyday this weekend. We planted jellybeans and picked the pops that grew, dyed Easter eggs which made green and blue fingers, found all the eggs that the bunny hid around the living room and pretty much ripped through a couple Easter filled goodie baskets :) I didn't even have time to take pictures of their baskets before their sticky fingers got to them. Stella is at such a fun age for these kinds of holidays. I would love to play Easter bunny or Santa every day of the year.  Gammy and Pop came over and we actually grilled for dinner since Saturday was a pretty busy day for us around here. We totally spent most of our weekend in jammies--and that is a-okay in my book and I don't think the kiddies minded much either ;)

Rick and I also had a wedding to attend this Easter weekend. we were wedding bound and kid free Saturday night. Guilty as charged: Momma was a bit hung over Easter morning. it's safe to say, we don't get out much without babies at our sides and on our hips :) I still managed to play Easter bunny and make the morning as special as possible. 

The Easter fun isn't quite over yet. We have our annual Easter buffet, egg hunt for both kiddies and adults and bonnet contest this coming Saturday at Nana and Poppop's. :)

It's always comes in handy that Stella and Ricky were born around the same time of year. I have been rummaging through a few of Stella's old goodies to see what I can put on Ricky. This was one of my favorite holiday sweatshirts...

Easter 2016- was double the fun and double the plastic Easter eggs!! 

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