Monday, February 29, 2016

Our Weekend and Blueberry Muffins

You know your a Mom when you find yourself doing the army crawl in and out of the baby's room to pop the soothie in his mouth so he doesn't see you; because making eye contact will just make him cry even more. Half way through my crawl I find myself thinking "Wtf am I doing?" as I silently chuckle. It seems like since my little man has been sick, he has forgotten how to sleep! Naps and night time sleep have not been very nice to me lately. Ricky never was a huge fan of the soothie either. We even dip it in gripe water to make it taste yummy...and that seems to do the trick for a minute or two and then we find ourselves back at square one. He just wants to be cuddled...all.the.time. can I blame him? I mean who doesn't love falling asleep cuddled in someones arms? This all reminds me of this story book : Go the F**K to sleep book. this book is pretty fitting at the moment. Someone had to write it. :) We do the auto-delivery for our baby wipes, I was going to see if I can add coffee and wine to the monthly delivery if this sleep shit decides to stick around ;) 

Even with this extreme sleep deprivation going on over here, we had a really nice weekend. Rick ended up working Saturday and the kids and I went to a 50th celebration for Nana. Besides a 2 year old meltdown in the bathroom and a baby that wouldn't sleep, we had a great time! It's always nice seeing the family together. And Stella loves getting dressed up in her dresses and dress shoes. She likes to spin around the house saying "I'm a Princess!"

Love my babies!

We are well into our kitchen makeover at the moment. So another Home Depot run was on the agenda for Sunday. We decided to put Ricky in the carriage for the first time and he loved it. He swung his feet the entire time and just took in all the new scenery and sounds. Not to mention Stella loves to walk around the stores. Okay, and Sunday's weather?! A-maz-ing! We went straight into town for a long walk on the towpath right after Home Depot. Ricky is also sitting in the big boy stroller seat and loves it! Mama can't pick up and carry his car seat much longer- he is sooo friggin heavy! i just might bust an ovary! So we have been making the transition out of the car seat. I will definitely at times miss the convenience of just popping the whole car seat in and out of the truck and into the shopping carts. When we got home from the towpath, I made the official switch of car seats. Ricky will now be riding in his convertible seat and the infant seat it getting packed away. i'm tearing up over here. how did he get so big so fast?  The walk on the towpath was so refreshing- something we all needed...bad. Ricky fell asleep in the stroller and Stella walked a pretty long distance. Rick and I were blown away when she was asking us if we remembered specific things that we found on the towpath last year. It's crazy what she remembered!

Okay and for the record I have found the perfect blueberry muffin recipe! These were an indulgence and fell nothing short of amazing! Especially warm for Sunday breakfast:)

Blueberry Streusel Muffins

For Muffins
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp. salt
3 tsp. baking powder
2 large eggs
1 cup sugar
1 cup greek yogurt
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups blueberries (fresh or frozen/thawed)

For Topping
1 cup flour
2/3 cup sugar
1 stick of salted butter (softened) 

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees & line muffin pan with paper liners
2. In a large bowl, mix together flour, baking powder & salt.
3. In another bowl, whisk eggs & sugar together. Add yogurt, oil & vanilla.
4. Add wet ingredients into dry ingredients & combine well.
 5. Gently fold blueberries into mixture & set aside.
6. For streusel topping, combine flour, sugar & melted butter, stir with a fork until crumbly.
7. Divide muffin mix into paper liners (2/3 full), sprinkle streusel topping evenly on top of each muffin until it is all used.
8. Bake for approximately 16-18 minutes or until golden brown.

It just so seems that Ricky has decided that a 20 minute nap is sufficient! Gotta run! or do the army crawl ;)

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