Monday, February 1, 2016

Recent Thoughts and Pictures

It was a busy weekend so I am kind of thankful for this lazy pajama kind of Monday. Even though it is warm enough outside for a walk, I think we may just stay in our pajamas and rewatch Grease Live from last night and play way too many rounds of Candyland by Stella's rules of course- spin, find that color square ANYWHERE on the board and  place your piece.  I thought I would just do a quick post on what's been going on around here since I clearly haven't been writing as many posts...
My Uncle Jon bought me this Aerogrow for Christmas and Stella and I love it. Since we clearly didn't have much luck growing our herbs outside last Summer because of a few really strong gusts of winds, we are hoping to have better luck growing them inside. We placed three pods in the Aerogrow- basil, parsley, and dill. Three of my favorites to cook with. Stella loved setting it up and she gets excited to see how much the seeds as she calls them grow each night. Every morning when she sees the herbs she shouts "Look Mommy/ Daddy seeds growed!" She adds the water to the tank and also adds the plant food and nutrients every two weeks. Aerogrow for the win!

While Ricky napped one day last week Stella and I sat at the kitchen table and had a little fun painting her Valentines. She had a blast painting and sticking the stickers and gems to the cards. The writing was left up to me ;) V-day cards done and mailed- may I add that they were on time if not a tad early?!  As far as the Valentine's Day treats go..we are slacking- big time! gotta get on that!

A few other random thoughts..

Stella's go to breakfast lately is French vanilla whole milk yogurt with granola, berries and a drizzle of honey.  

This little girl is more obsessed with my new hair dryer than I am ;)

This little guy is trying so so hard to hold his cup and drink on his own... oh and those leg rolls- just scrumptious.

This picture of Stella was from last Easter. I loved her bunny jammies so so much, and the gap has these bunny jammies for this Easter. totally on it!

Lastly... my arms may be full but my heart is fuller. Stella and I rocked our matching shoes ;)

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