Thursday, February 11, 2016

Simple Things Go A Long Way

Rick and I would buy them the world if we could. But really what it comes down to aren't the things that we could buy, but the simple things that we do everyday here at home that really matter. These simple things make them feel loved. These simple things make our world go round here at home. 

it's those moments where we all find ourselves lost in laughter

it's turning off the t.v and giving them our undivided attention

it's rubbing flour on each other's noses

it's stopping whatever I am doing to hold her little hands to bust a move to a tune

it's talking his language

it's looking into their eyes

it's tasting that soup that she worked so hard on in her little kitchen

it's letting her whisk

it's holding him tight swaying to the music

it's eating dinner as a family at the table

it's taking magic 'blanket' rides and building forts

it's laying in her bed with her for that extra minute star gazing

it's those baby massages that follow a warm bath

it's putting on make up together and painting her tiny little nails

These are the kinds of things that really matter. It's simplicity. These moments that we share with them are far more valuable and are memories and moments we will have forever.

Simple things like these are the things that fill the heart the most.

Stella and Ricky- you are rich, you're rich in love. 

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