Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Happy 6 Months Ricky

Dear Ricky,
Seriously? Are we at the half way mark to one whole year? One word...bittersweet. You are a blast these days. The smiles, giggles, funny gestures have Mommy, Daddy and Stella laughing. You are growing up so fast right before our eyes. You and I started baby and Mommy yoga. I love the time that we get to share together just you and I; it is so special. You are reaching for anything and everything and putting anything that you can get your hands on right into your mouth! Teething has been hard on you and we have had some rough days. You are battling your second cold at the moment and I am trying to give you as many cuddles as possible to make you comfortable.  Baby boy your giggle is so contagious and your smile lights up the room. Daddy, Stella and I are lovin' on you hard and think you are the cutest baby around! 
All my Love.

Weight: 19 lbs 8 ounces (81st percentile)
Height: 25 3/4 inches (100th percentile)
Head Circumference:  48.5 cm (100th percentile)
Appetite:  You LOVE to nurse. You would nurse all day and night if you could. Daddy and I have been trying bottle after bottle and cup after cup trying to get you to take milk from something besides the boob. We have had no luck thus far. (so far we have tried a total of 4 different bottles and 3 different cups) We will still keep trying. I have a feeling when it does come time to wean you from nursing, it is not going to be easy! You are now eating solids for breakfast and dinner. Breakfast is 1 Tbl of Earths Best organic multi grain baby cereal and 2-3 Tbl of a fruit. Dinner is 1 Tbl of the baby cereal and 2-3 Tbl of a veggie. The only foods that you have not likes thus far are green beans and chicken. Boy, you better like chicken because we eat alot of it!! I have been taking it pretty light on the baby cereal because of the gas. So far so good :) Solids you have tried so far (all made by Mommy) are: sweet potato, turnips, peas, green beans, chicken, carrots, pears, prunes, apples, and bananas. You nurse about 5 times a day and have water with both breakfast and dinner. 
Clothing Size: You are currently wearing 6-12 month clothing and you are in size 3 diapers.
Milestones: You are sitting up on your own great! You also cut two teeth in 11 days time and you are now eating breakfast an dinner with solids!
Thoughts: I hope that these next 6 months crawl because these first 6 went by way too fast. 
Our routine:   To be totally honest I felt like we were in a great routine and then teething along with sleep regression hit and messed up everything! I am still trying my best to stick with our daily routine but naps seem like cat naps the past few days and waking in the middle of the night has multiplied the past few nights. Teething stinks! Those two suckers finally broke gum and gave you a real run for your money. You have either been waking up around 5 for a feeding which I try to put you back down for some more sleep or sometime between 6 and 7 for the day. All three of us (4 of us on the weekends) eat breakfast together at the table. After breakfast depending on your wake time you either take a morning cat nap around 9ish or play until 11ish then take your first nap . You love to play on the floor with Stella, jump in the Einstein or stretch it out on your kick mat. If it is bath day you usually take a bath after your first nap. Lunch is around noon and I usually just give you a snack after you nurse in your height chair while Stella eats. For example, frozen bagels for those gums or some fruit in your mesh teether. More play and I try to have you guys nap together in the afternoon. You both go down sometime around 1 and 2. This doesn't always happen ;) You nurse again after you wake up fro your afternoon nap and play some more. Dinner is around 5:30/6ish. We all eat at the dinner table together. You get in some Daddy play time after dinner and nurse once more before you go to bed around 7:30.  We have been working on cutting out the 1 am feeding. Instead of feeding you when you wake to eat I dip the soothie in some gripe water and snuggle you back up in your crib. You have been doing okay but it's only been a few days. Since we are 86ing the mid night feeding, I think that may be the reason you are waking earlier in the morning to eat. 

Big changes: Besides cutting out the 1:00a.m. feeding, you now have 2 teeth on the bottom. You are cruising around in your walker and are sitting more straight up in the bath tub. You and Mommy started a yoga class together and I love it so so much. You also sat in your big boy seat in the stroller and loved it. You were able to look around while we strolled. 

Your favorites: Some of your favorites at the moments are:

1. to be held 
2. you LOVE nursing. you do this funny thing if Daddy is sitting next to you when you are nursing. you stop, look up and give Daddy this look with a smile like "ha, look what I got and you don't!" you then nurse a few seconds more, look up with the same look over and over. We crack up.
3. being naked
4. taking a bath and playing in the shower
5. when Daddy tickles you- the giggles are priceless
6. when Stella talks to you
7. Anything hard to chomp down on.



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