Friday, February 19, 2016

Stella: Be a Pineapple

Little Miss Stella,
I have told you over and over before but I am going to tell you again; you have rocked my world baby girl. Rocked it real hard. You are just a month shy of 2 and a half already and I can't believe how much you have grown...and some of the things that come out of your mouth! I am not going to lie, you keep me on my toes. "No Mommy I don't want to take a nap, you need to take a nap!" true story!  Let's see you like to choose your own clothes at times, especially your shoes...we still need to work on matching a bit. Sorry princess, but Minnie mouse jammie pants don't quite go with a Christmas sparkle shirt :) You are rockin' the undies like whoa! and like to shake your butt to Shake it Off and It's All About That Bass. Daddy's going to have his hands full when you get older ;)  You are always throwing compliments my way and I can't help but look at you and say damn where did you learn that? "Mommy I laa your pants." or "Mommy I laa your braid." Don't worry Mommy and Daddy are always throwing them your way too and you follow with a "Thank you" So stinking sweet. You are sweet, loving, caring with a bit whole lot of sass! You are a girl that knows what she wants and you definitely let that be known. ok guilty- you may have gotten' it from your Mama! Lately you are the procrastination queen! You know how to work it... and Mommy and Daddy are catching on. You have Daddy wrapped around your finger though. If Mommy says no, you make a bee line for Daddy. Just as it's time to head upstairs to bed either you have to go potty which is a good one because that entails taking off your feety jammies (because you just have to pee naked- there is no other way according to you), taking off your sleepy diaper, pushing out the tiniest little driblet of pee...putting a diaper back on and putting your feety jammies back on. That's a good 15 minute jam right there. But if it's not the potty trick, it's that you want a snack, or more milk, or water or you need to find a barrette to put in your hair. You love to brush your teeth, help me fold the laundry (even though the way you fold is pretty comical- you literally shake it out and roll it back into a ball), swim in the tub, bake in the kitchen with me, begin your dinner with a little bowl of Ricky's pureed fruit or veggie, tell me just how sour your lemon icy is after every single bite, and put your pants on all by yourself. 50/50 chance they are on the right way!

Stella, the way you love on your brother is simply amazing to watch and makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Proud Mommy over here! You couldn't have fallen into the big sister role any more perfectly. Stella, he looks and smiles at you and it just beams love. Pure love. And the way you tell Daddy and I that you love us all on your own...I mean Mommy and Daddy's just wait for that. There are really no words to describe the feeling it gives me when you look at me and all on your own say "Mommy, I laa you." melt my mommy heart.

Mommy and Daddy love you so much that it hurts. one day you will understand what that means and feels like. it's a real thing baby girl.  We couldn't be more proud of you. You made me a Mommy and I am so so thankful that you are ours and we get to keep you :)

One last thing...

Be a pineapple:
Stand tall,
wear a crown,
and be sweet on the inside.

Stella, I laa you.

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