Thursday, February 25, 2016

Baby Toes, Colds and a Round of Yes, She Said That!

Okay, there is just something about baby toes that get me all the time. 

These ten little toes plus another ten little toes have been spending a lot of time in Mommy and Daddy's bed lately. Longer mornings, afternoon Mickey and early bedtime snuggles all in our bed. Both battling colds. Both demanding extra snuggles. Ricky is getting over bronchiolitis and Stella of course caught some of what Ricky had. I mean how couldn't she, because she is forever up in his grill. Every time Ricky gets into our bed he spends almost the entire time trying to pick off the polka dots from the sheets.

it was all fun and games on the bed until baby brother found big sis's foot to be a chew toy and covered it in drool. When Stella saw the drool, all hell broke loose. 

In between wiping noses, going head on with sleep which is at times non existent lately-thank you colds and teething,  giving the littles their desired cuddles, Rick and I have been tackling a few projects around the house. Four years of the same paint colors call for change! We have decided to freshen things up and give our home a new look. Eight gallons of paint and a number of trips to Home Goods later...

Stella is at such a fun and sassy age. The age where Rick and I really really need to watch what we say. Even when we think she is pre-occupied and not paying attention, her ears somehow have a way of picking up our words.

Here is a small list of just some of the things that have come out of her mouth lately...that have stopped me in my laugh of course. 

1. Rick and I were working on our bathroom one evening after Ricky had gone to bed. Stella was watching, playing and helping all at the same time. She walked away to get something, and came back with a diaper in her hand and said "Daddy, lay down, I change your diaper!"

2. I am usually one to park far away and walk the extra distance. But when it's raining out, and need to go out, with two kids I am on the hunt for a close spot. I do usually try to pick a spot that I think no one is going to park too closely or else I have a hard time getting them in and out of the truck. The one day we come out of the store and it was raining- I stuck Ricky's car seat in and go around to Stella's side. I try to open to door, I wasn't even be able to open the door all the way! I mean what the eff?? Don't people realize I need to open my door to get in! I try to hold the door open just enough to squeeze Stella through to get her in her seat, she can tell I am frustrated in my tone, and she says "You gotta be kidding me!"

3. Surprise Surprise, Rick was joking around inappropriately.  Meanwhile all in the kitchen, Stella was playing play-doh nicely at the kitchen table while I was preparing dinner. She seemed so into what she was doing- kind of like we weren't even in the kitchen with her. Part of Rick's comment was with my balls hanging out....and Stella says out loud "Yea, Daddy my balls hanging out too!"

4. After we finished painting our bedroom, I picked out and purchased new bedding. Stella I think was more excited than I was for "new sheets" as she called it. After the bedding was on she says, "Oh my Gosh! I love your new sheets soooooo much!"

5. She loves to play in her kitchen and make dinner. The other day she brings me a plate of spaghetti and says, "Mommy you need eat all your dinner, bagetti and pepper sauce, Daddy come home and play with you!"

Oh this girl....

Ricky is cruising around in the walker and he is loving it. This is all new territory for him. He can now reach toys on his own- Stella's toys!!

Now I'm off to grab a paint brush! and suck some snot!

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