Saturday, May 23, 2015

When One Becomes Two

I have been thinking a lot about these last two months before Ricky arrives. I am sure like any Momma, I have been thinking about how one becomes two. I have been thinking about how Stella is going to react when she first sees him or how she is going to be when she learns that we are bringing him home and keeping him. I have also been thinking about things I can do throughout the day to continue to devote my attention to just Stella at points because I think that one on one is still very important. I want to include her in everything possible when it comes to Ricky and make her feel like the big sister as much as possible. I am sure she will have no problems filling the role. She is so smart, loving, and offers lots of cuddles. I promise myself we will still have our one on one fro yo dates or trips to Target and of course our dance parties in the kitchen.

My top priorities will be making them both feel loved equally. Each day it seems impossible for me to love Stella anymore because my heart feels so full, but it does grow with each and everyday. I know when I see her blossom into this big sister that she is going to be, my heart is going to explode with love. The same way my love changed and grew for Rick when I saw him fall into the father role. You simply think the heart can't love anymore, then it just grows and grows.

So these next two months I want to spend as much quality time with Stella and as a family of three doing special things together and creating memories with Stella. it's not about the quantity, it's about the quality. Some things I would love to do with her are:

go strawberry and peach picking
head down to the beach and boardwalk
lots of trips to the park
fro yo, smoothies and lunch dates galore!
have picnic lunches outside
makes lots of different popsicles and eat them of course

Little miss Stella, you will always be my baby ;)

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