Thursday, May 21, 2015

7 Months Along

The bump pics this time around are pretty sad... either not being taken as often as I'd like or taken by me while Stella is busy or asleep. No make up, sweats all the way, and it's a damn selfie none the less. I am really not the selfie type...ha! 

Anyway, here is a quick bump update at 7 months pregnant.

I am still feeling good overall. Still tired at the end of the day- chasing a toddler around is no joke :), and a few leg cramps here and there especially in right leg (I definitely remember having them with Stella). At our last doctor appointment I got to listen to Ricky's heartbeat which was nice and strong. I am also up 16 pounds at this point; so I gained 2 more pounds in this last month. 

Little Ricky seems to be most cozy on the right side of my belly. Therefore, a perfectly round belly is not to be found over here. I am forever lop sided. :) He is quite wiggly and his stretches at times stop me in my tracks. I love watching the alien looking movements that have been taking place. He is still most active early mornings and evenings. He also gets the hiccups several times a day...just like Stella did :)

There have been no cravings lately and have definitely cut down on the sugary sweets. I also have been focusing more on eating 6 mini meals throughout the day and cut out the main 3 meals. I have kept my water intake to about 60 oz per day. I need to get back to my infused water because I must add that I am getting a bit bored with plain water. Also, still walking 30 min on the treadmill 5 days a week- usually take the weekends off when Rick is home. 

Rick and I are still talking to Stella about Ricky as often as we can, and on her own every now and then she will point to my belly and say baby "baba". When I tell her his name is Ricky, she says "Reee"- makes my heart melt. 

I honestly can't believe in 10 weeks that our family will be growing by another tiny bundle. I also can't believe in 10 weeks I will be sleep deprived and up every few hours during the night feeding again. :) I am feeling excited, anxious, nervous all at once. 

I am not going to lie...I have thought a lot about those nights in the hospital that I will be away from Stella. It already makes me tear up. She has been my one and only sidekick for months on months now and to be away from her...I just can't explain the feelings. 

As for the nursery...not much has taken place in there. It is still just painted. The carpet is being installed next week so we can start tinkering with the furniture and the treasures that I have purchased lately. Here are a few of the treasure that I have purchased...

we chose to go with a rustic woodland theme...

this is the crib sheet, along with this fox that I had made from a little shop that I found on Etsy- he is a one of a kind. Stella is in love with this fox so I think I will be ordering one for her in the near future.  I think he is soo stinkin' cute...

here are two prints that I purchased and will matte and frame

and lastly two items that I just fell in love with...

Hopefully in the next few weeks I will have more of a completed nursery to share... ;)

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