Tuesday, May 12, 2015

19 Months

Dear Stella,
 Where on Earth should I begin...

Where have the past 19 months gone? Where ever they have gone, they have been Daddy and I's best 19 months yet and I know I always say that but it is the simple truth. You have filled our days with so much love, laughter, and fun. You are one special little girl and we don't want you to grow up. Moments that Daddy and I share with you are moments that we will forever carry in our hearts. Whoever once said that when you become a parent you carry your heart on your sleeve is so right. You Stella walk around with pieces of Daddy and I's hearts every day everywhere you go. As much as that hurts sometimes (and all other Moms know what I mean when I say that it can hurt), Daddy and I would never have it any other way. 

Stella, some of the things you say Daddy and I just look at each other and crack up! "Where the hell did she learn that?"  we say. Your vocabulary is simply amazing. It takes you no time at all to pick things up or repeat something. You are a girly girl who loves to play dress up but will be the first in line to dig in the dirt. 

These past 19 months have been so sweet and Daddy and I both know that the next 19 will be just as, if not sweeter. It truly 'fills my bucket' to know that Daddy and I are able to give you the life that we do. We try so hard each and everyday to be the best we can for you. You are something incredible. 

Stella, here is a list of some of your present favorites:
-let me just start this list with blankies, kitty, Minnie, and baby because this "tribe" goes everywhere with you/us. I mean everywhere- on walks, grocery shopping, you name it, it goes!
-anything water- your water table, pool, bathtime
-nail polish
-make up, Mommy's make up seems like it is where it is at these days
-tutus, necklaces and headbands
-being outside
-ice pops
-swinging on the swing
-I think we may be the only one in town with a Xmas blow up still standing tall each day. Our blow up Minnie is standing tall each and everyday!

You are so so loved sweet girl. And Daddy and I melt over the love that you give us. I still look at you and tear up because you are ours. Stay sweet. xoxo

All our Love,
Momma and Daddy

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